200th anniversary of the Greek Revolution for Independence on March 25th, 2021
An Important Message from His Eminence Metropolitan Alexios |
To the Reverend Clergy of the Metropolis of Atlanta:
My Brothers in Christ,
Looking forward to Lent, we are blessed to observe the 200th anniversary of the Greek Revolution for Independence on March 25th, 2021. As Hellenes in the United States are especially fortunate to live in a country whose own Revolution was not only inspired by the ideals of Ancient Greek Democracy, but later encouraged those patriots of 1821 to stand for freedom after 400 years of Occupation.
In recognition of this historic date, a special committee was tasked with organizing two major events in our Metropolis. The first will take place at the Cathedral of St. Nicholas in Tarpon Springs on March 25, (and can be viewed at www.stnicholastarpon.org/livestream). This event shall feature special guest speakers speaking on topics such as the contributions of both Cyprus & America towards the Revolution.
The second event will follow on March 28th at the Cathedral of the Annunciation in Atlanta (and can be viewed at www.atlgoc.org/live-stream), where the program will feature special presentations of, among other things, a recitation of the patriotic poem that inspired the Revolution, Θούριος του Ρήγα.
For more detailed information on both programs, please click here to view the specially prepared flyer, as well as the itineraries prepared for both events. To ensure the greatest possible participation for both events–which are distinct and will be live-streamed–we ask that our parishes please print the attachment to make use of it in your weekly bulletins, or else to transmit it through email.
Finally, the Greek Consul General of Tampa Bay has announced that a special concert presentation of the full text to the Hymn to Liberty by Dionysios Solomos, will also stream live from the Athens Concert Hall on March 25th at 2:30 PM ET. The concert, which is free to stream, can be accessed by clicking this link.
I pray that we will all take the time to view these programs, honoring the patriotism of our forefathers, and giving glory to God who gives us our freedom.
Yours with paternal love and blessings in the Lord,
+Bishop Sevastianos of Zela