Weekly Sunday Bulletin-August 21, 2016

The Holy Apostle ThaddeusThe Holy Apostle Thaddaeus

The Apostle Thaddaeus was from Edessa, a Jew by race. When he came to Jerusalem, he became a disciple of Christ, and after His Ascension he returned to Edessa. Having preached in Mesopotamia, he ended his life in martyrdom. Though some call him one of the Twelve, whom Matthew calls “Lebbaeus, whose surname was Thaddaeus” (Matt. 10:3), Eusebius says that he is one of the Seventy: “After [Christ’s] Resurrection from the dead, and His ascent into Heaven, Thomas, one of the twelve Apostles, inspired by God, sent Thaddaeus, one of the seventy disciples of Christ, to Edessa as a preacher and evangelist of Christ’s teaching” (Eccl. Hist. 1: 13).



Parish Council on Duty

John Argiropoulos, John Ioannou, Jr.,Tony Maiorana,  Anna Merkel, Demetri Rapanos, Katherine Ziegler



In loving memory of Konstantinos Parissos, his family has donated today’s flowers.