Announcements – After Holy Theophany

[WSB Cover:, Liturgical:, Announcements:]


Please join us on January 23, 24, 26 and Jan. 30. We are baking for the festival from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM. An extra pair of hands, for even 2 hours, would be much appreciated.


Flowers on the solea were donated by the Christou family in loving memory of Stavros Christou.

Coffee Hour

Coffee hour is sponsored by the Bakatselos family in loving memory of Dimitrios Giannopoulos.

Thank you!

Thank you from Anthula Silver to those who helped her celebrate her 100th birthday at a reception held in her honor. Thank you for all the best wishes, flowers and gifts.

Festival Volunteers

We are looking for volunteers to be part of our Festival Team. Sign up Sheets are available in the south narthex. Please see Anna Merkel or James Carras.

Marketing and Sponsorship Opportunities

St. Demetrios Church offers a number of ministries, programs and events to its parish and local community. This year we are offering marketing and sponsorship opportunities for events that will support these activities. Please pick up the forms in the south narthex.

Grand Raffle

Tickets have been mailed to our parishioners. If you need more tickets, a table is set up every Sunday from now until the festival. Please submit your ticket stubs and pick up more tickets to sell. Ticket price is $25.00 and our goal is to sell 5000 to win a new 2013 Mercedes Benz C-250Sport.