Entries by Fr. John Codis

Weekly Sunday Bulletin – 2nd Sunday of Luke

October 4, 2015 As a harmonious harp of lofty wisdom from on high and an expounder of things seen in God-inspired ascents, we extol thee, Father Romanos, and we hymn thee. As a trumpet of the gifts that pass the mind of man, do thou rouse us to divine and saving watchfulness, as we cry […]

A Devoted Heart

“A Devoted Heart” Hello friends, This Sunday, Christian and I would love to welcome men, women and children of all ages to join us as we begin our 2nd season of our Bible Study ministry, “A Devoted Heart.” If I were to ask you who is Jesus?  How would you reply?  Would you say, are you joking […]

Weekly Sunday Bulletin – 1st Sunday of Luke

September 27, 2015 Thy Martyrs, O Lord, in their courageous contest for Thee received as the prize the crowns of incorruption and life from Thee, our immortal God. For since they possessed Thy strength, they cast down the tyrants and wholly destroyed the demons’ strengthless presumption. O Christ God, by their prayers, save our souls, […]

Join Us! Byzantine Music

Want to learn how to chant? St. Demetrios is offering classes in Byzantine Ecclesiastical Chant. There are very few who know this amazing art and style. For more information check out the flyer or call us! Byzantine_Music_Class_Flyer

A Devoted Heart

“A Devoted Heart” Hello friends, This Sunday, Christian and I would love to welcome men, women and children of all ages to join us as we begin our 2nd season of our Bible Study ministry, “A Devoted Heart.” If I were to ask you who is Jesus?  How would you reply?  Would you say, are […]

Bible Study

It is with great delight in my heart and spirit to announce that “A Devoted Heart” Bible Study will be starting up again on Sept. 20th! How I have missed our time together in God’s precious Word, studying and searching for how the Lord wants to speak His love, guidance and encouragement into our everyday […]

Women’s Bible Study

Hello my favorite friends of “A Devoted Heart” I pray everyone is well and rising over your current circumstances! (Listen to this song on Youtube by Britt Nicole, “the sun is rising”) This Sunday, May 24th, I am happy to announce we will be having our Bible Study. For our study we will be reading […]