Entries by Pauline Loupasakis

Weekly Sunday Bulletin – 14th Sunday of Matthew

September 6, 2015 Your birth, O Theotokos, brought joy to the whole world, for from you dawned the sun of righteousness, Christ our God. Freeing us from the curse, He gave us His blessings. Abolishing death, He granted us eternal life. Apolytikion in the Fourth Tone Nativity of the Theotokos– September 8 Parish Council on […]

Weekly Sunday Bulletin – 13th Sunday of Matthew

August 30, 2015 Thy precious sash, O Theotokos, which encompassed thy God-receiving womb, is an invincible force for thy flock, and an unfailing treasury of every good, O only Ever-virgin Mother. Kontakion of Venerable Sash of the Theotokos in the Second Tone Parish Council on Duty George Georgakakis, Manny Daskos, Eleni Varvoutis, Michael Fossler, Marion […]

Weekly Sunday Bulletin – 12th Sunday of Matthew

August 23, 2015 The memory of the just is celebrated with hymns of praise, but the Lord’s testimony is sufficient for thee, O Forerunner; for thou hast proved to be truly even more venerable than the Prophets, since thou was granted to baptize in the running waters Him Whom they proclaimed. Wherefore, having contested for […]

Weekly Sunday Bulletin – 10th Sunday of Matthew

August 9, 2015 In birth, you preserved your virginity; in death, you did not abandon the world, O Theotokos. As mother of life, you departed to the source of life, delivering our souls from death by your intercessions. Apolytikion of Dormition of the Theotokos in the First Tone Parish Council on duty: John Ioannou, Jr., […]

Weekly Sunday Bulletin – 9th Sunday of Matthew

August 2, 2015 Thou wast the first to be sown upon earth by the Heavenly Husbandman, O all-famed Stephen; thou wast the first to shed thy blood upon the earth for Christ, O blessed one; thou wast the first to be honoured by Him with the crown of victory in Heaven, as the spearhead of […]

Weekly Sunday Bulletin – 8th Sunday of Matthew

July 26, 2015 O most majestic One, we have discovered your temple to be a spiritual clinic wherein all the faithful resoundingly honor you, O famed and venerable martyr Paraskevi. Kontakion of Martyr Paraskeve in the Plagal of the Fourth Tone Parish Council on duty: John Ioannou, Jr. , Demetri Rapanos, John Argiropoulos, Anna Merkel, Kathy […]

Weekly Sunday Bulletin – Sunday of the Holy Fathers

July 19, 2015 O Prophet and foreseer of the great works of God, O greatly renowned Elias (Elijah), who by your word held back the clouds of rain, intercede for us to the only Loving One. Kontakion in the Second Tone Prophet Elias– July 20 Parish Council on Duty George Georgakakis, Manny Daskos, Eleni Varvoutis, […]