Goya in January


  • District GOYA “Burning Bush” overnight retreat:  Located in Boca on Nov. 23 & 24. Total Goyans at this event was 93 and of those, 13 was from our community. Overall, great turnout….  I attach some pictures for the newsletter.
  • Thanksgiving Turkey Raffle: On Sunday, November 24th GOYA raffled 5 Turkeys that weighed an average of 20-22lbs each. This was a great fundraiser. Publix had donated a $200 gift card in order for us to purchase the turkeys. Please make a nice story in the Newsletter and make sure “Publix” is mentioned, I would like to forward a copy to the individual an Publix.


  • Christmas Caroling: There were three days which the Goyans went caroling, one of which was last Wednesday, we collected $450 that evening. Our next two dates is this Wednesday the 11th and this Friday the 13th. On Wednesday we caroled at the Philoptochos Party.
  • GOYA BAKING/SOCIAL: Saturday, December 14th we gathered to bake Greek cookies and a few chocolate chip of course for our Bake Sale that was scheduled Sunday the 15th.

To view pictures of these events visit our photo gallery.