Language & Culture in January

In the month of December, the students and their teachers continued to delve into the study of the Greek language. The children had a busy month rehearsing the Christmas Pageant under the auspices of Sunday School. The Community attended the play “Christmas Path” on Friday, December 20th and applauded the children for a wonderful performance. As we say in Greek “καμαρώσαμε τα παιδιά μας.”

The EYCC has accepted the Language and Culture Program proposal to organize a group of parishioners to help shepherd the children every Sunday from Sunday School to Language and Culture to Dance classes. This new group is called “Κηδεμόνες” [kithemo’nes] and is led by Mrs. Jamie Makris. The Kithemones will start their most needed activities in the new year. If anyone is interested in helping, please call Mrs. Pauline Loupasakis at the church office 954-467-1515.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!

Χαρούμενα Χριστούγεννα και Ευτυχισμένος ο Καινούργιος Χρονος!!!