Matthew 10: 24-42
The Gospel of Matthew
Session 23 – 2/23/2014
Rev. Dr. Christopher T. Metropulos
Gospel of Matthew 10:24-42
Encouragement to Fearless Witness
- “A disciple is not above his teacher, nor a slave above his lord.” A disciple can expect at least the same persecution as their Lord received.
A disciple must resolve not to be afraid. A disciple should speak the truth, not fearing the slanders and lies of their opponents.
- The Gospel must be fearlessly proclaimed to all- herald upon the housetops.
- Christ comforts the disciples- If God’s providential care extends even to a sparrow how much more to His followers.
- Christ then challenges His disciples to persevere in their mission- the truth He brings will separate the humble from the proud.
- The world offers joy, happiness and fulfillment but at a price.
- Encouraging words of Christ offered to the disciples.
He who welcomes the disciples welcomes Christ.