Matthew 16:1-16
Adult Bible Study
Rev. Christopher T. Metropulos
Matthew 16:1-16
The Pharisees’ Blindness and the Disciples’ Blindness
- Jewish leaders test Jesus- confrontation
- Ask for sign from heaven
- Pharisees and Sadducees were usually adversaries- the one thing they had in common was the rejection of Jesus and their hypocrisy
- An evil and adulterous generation
- No public demonstration of unbelievers but the third day Resurrection (Torah)
- Did they have the knowledge of their appointed times? Do we?
- Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees- confusion of bread
- Leaven or yeast affects the whole batch of dough
- Peter and the Apostles see that Jesus is the Messiah- confession of faith from the Apostles
- Asks His disciples who the men of Israel say that He is? (Some say John the Baptizer and others Elijah)
- The question is also posed to us?
Who do we say Christ is?
You are the Christ! The son of the living God.