Matthew 3:7-12
Adult Study Class
The Gospel of Matthew
Matthew 3:7-12
Rev. Dr. Christopher T. Metropulos
The Baptism of Repentance
Preparation for Christian Ministry
John’s function is that of a herald of the coming kingdom- heralding in the wilderness of Judea.
The Messianic reign of God over Israel is at hand, yet Israel is not ready to receive the Messiah.
Matthew reveals John’s place in the divine plan with a citation from Isaiah the Profit. – Voice shouting in the wilderness “Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight His path (IS 40:3)
The struggle of the Jews of the day – they will not be saved just because they are Jewish.
John points away from himself and toward the one to come – Jesus Christ.
Messiah’s power differs from John’s as fire is different from water. John’s baptism in water, but Messiah will baptize n the Holy Spirit and fire.
Baptism of Christ