Matthew 7:21 – 8:4
The Gospel of Matthew
Session16 – 12/29/2013
Rev. Christopher T. Metropulos
Matthew 7:21 – 8:4
Matthew 7:21 Jesus teaches
- Enter through the narrow gate- there is a great temptation to not do so.
Opposition to Christ coming from the Israelite community- mainly the Pharisee’s who were being severely challenged by Jesus Christ teachings and therefore felt threatened. Then they were making it difficult to follow Him. Sets stage for next teaching.
- Warning to not follow False Prophets. Pharisees teachings- ravenous wolves coming to you in sheep’s clothing.
- How do we determine the true teachings according to Christ- By their fruits- recognize them, grapes are not gathered from thorns.
- Bearing of good fruits of righteousness is required from all.
Warning to heed Christ’s Teaching
Building one spiritual home on solid rock “a prudent man who built his home upon the rock”.
Christ tells the parable of two men – a prudent man and a foolish one.
- Discourse to conclude these teachings
He taught as if He were someone having authority and not as their scribes.
Matthew 8:1 Cleansing the Leper
- A series of stories and sayings of Jesus Christ illustrating His early Galilean ministry.
- Leper approaches to the healed
Leper was driven from common society to face a life of isolation and poverty.
- Encounter with Christ
“If You are willing, You can cleanse me”
Immediately his leprosy was cured.
Power of Touch – Divine and Human