Greek School Logo

The aim of the Greek School is to expose the students to Modern Greek as well as the Culture within which it has evolved. Classes are open to both children and adults because the acquisition of knowledge has no age boundaries.  Socrates said “ΓΗΡΑΣΚΩ ΑΕΙ ΔΙΔΑΣΚΟΜΕΝΟΣ” [I age while I am always being taught].

Greek belongs to the Indo-European family of languages. Classical Greek is closely related to both Latin and Sanskrit, the language that was spoken in Ancient India. The roots of the Modern Greek language reach back to Homer and beyond, in the process amassing a plethora of written material. The Greek culture has changed over time and so has the Greek language. It may be classified in five periods: Homeric, Classical, Koine [the language of the Old and New Testaments, the Acts of the Apostles, the Epistles and the Apocalypse], Byzantine and Modern Greek. These are further subdivided into several dialects. Each of these manifestations of the Greek language has its roots in the past and in the Homeric Dictionary one finds the words ΓΕΝΟΣ [family, race], ΔΕΙΛΟΣ [coward], ΕΧΩ [I have], ΘΑΛΑΣΣΑ [the sea], ΤΡΕΧΩ [I run], ΦΕΥΓΩ [I leave, I escape] and many others that are still in use today.

Class offerings:

1. Class A’ is offered to children in Kindergarten. Through fun learning activities and developmentally appropriate methods, the children learn the Greek alphabet, some basic words and play traditional games. In addition the children will learn the prayer Holy God, «¨Αγιος ο Θεός,» in Greek.

2. Class B’ is equivalent to Grade One. At first, the teacher will review what the children learned in Kindergarten. Subsequently, the emphasis will be on elementary reading, conversation, poetry, songs and games. The children will become familiar with some of Aesop’s fables. In addition, the children will learn the Lord’s Prayer, “Πάτερ Ημών,” in Greek.

3. Class Γ’ is equivalent to Grade Two. At first, the teacher will review what was learned in Class B’. This will be followed by reading, writing and speaking. Then the children will be introduced to some Ancient Greek Mythology. Learning mythology will assist them later on in Middle and High School in studying English literature. In addition, the children will learn the hymn of St. Demetrios, «Το Τροπάριον του Αγίου Δημητρίου.”

4. Class Δ’ is equivalent to Grade Three. The teacher will review what the children learned in Class Γ’ . The emphasis will be on reading writing and speaking, poems and the Niacean Creed, «Το Σύμβολον της Πίστεως..»

5. Adult Beginners is offered to Adults and Teenagers who wish to learn Modern Greek. As with Class A’, the students begin with the alphabet, learn to read some words and write their name. Conversation will be introduced when the students have learned some words.

6. Advanced Modern Greek is open to anyone who is able to read a Greek text at a certain level of proficiency. The students use a textbook whose chapters offer grammar and syntax, two subjects that are often misunderstood and neglected by our educational system.  Both grammar and syntax are built into a given language and native speakers recognize the “correct grammar” or the “correct syntax.” Native English speakers have learned in childhood that “boy” refers to a male child and “boys” refers to many. Early on, they use this rule of adding an “s” to denote plurality and say “two childs”. A parent immediately says “you must say two children,” a grammatical correction. By delving into the study of Modern Greek, both the instructor and the students are able to understand their native tongue a little better.

In addition to the above, the students are exposed to aspects of Greek history, geography and culture as well as the etymology or origin of key words. Over the centuries, many Greek words have been adopted by several languages, including English. Some of these words are democracy, philosophy, economics, pancreas, zoology, lymphoma, horoscope, astronaut, cosmonaut, politics, history, tyranny, oligarch, theater, logic, theology, liturgy, leukemia, drama, mathematics, and thousands of others that are a part of your language.

7. Preparation for the Proficiency Certification Test [Πιστοποιητικό Ελληνομάθειας] is offered by invitation to those students who are deemed ready to prove that they have mastered Modern Greek at a particular level of proficiency. This Certificate has six levels ranging from Grade 1 through High School. They are: A 1, A 2, B 1, B 2, Γ 1 and Γ 2. Τhe preparatory class at St. Demetrios focuses on Level A 1.

For further information, please call the office at 954-467-1515.

ΟΡΙΣΤΕ ΣΤΗΝ ΠΑΡΕΑ ΜΑΣ [You are invited to our group].

Stavroula Christodoulou, Ph.D.,


Registration Fees for our available classes:

Steward Students:  $250.00 yearly

Non-Steward Students:  $350.00 yearly

Please call the church office: 954-467-1515