Tag Archive for: 12th Sunday of Luke

Weekly Sunday Bulletin- 12th Sunday of Luke

St. Athanasios St. CyrilJanuary 18, 2015

Ten Lepers

Having met the Savior, therefore, the lepers earnestly besought Him to free them from their misery, and called Him Master, that is. Teacher. No one pitied them when suffering this malady, but He Who had appeared on earth for this very reason, and had become man that He might show pity to all, He was moved with compassion for them, and had mercy on them.

St. Cyril of Alexandria

Parish Council on Duty                

George Georgakakis, Manny Daskos, Eleni   Varvoutis, Michael Haralambis, Michael Fossler, Juanita Antley



Weekly Sunday Bulletin – 12th Sunday of Luke

St. Gregory the TheologianJanuary 19, 2014 (Ten Lepers)

 The pastoral flute of your theology conquered the trumpets of orators. For it called upon the depths of the Spirit and you were enriched with the beauty of words. Intercede to Christ our God, O Father Gregory, that our souls may be saved.

Apolytikion in the First Tone

St. Gregory the Theologian January 25th


 Parish Council on Duty

George Georgakakis, Medon Michaelides, Manny Daskos, James Carras, Eleni Varvoutis, Michael Haralambis, Michael Fossler, Juanita Antley