Matthew 21:18-46
Adult Christian Education
Rev. Christopher T. Metropulos
Matthew 21:18-46
January 25, 2015
Israel: The Withered Fig Tree
Christ saw not only a fig tree, but the people of Israel and their Temple. Like the fig tree whose leaves promised food, the outward pomp and glory of the Temple promised spiritual fruit to all the world. But just as the fig tree’s leaves hid its fruitlessness, so the outward glory of the Temple hid the spiritual fruitfulness of the Jews.
Jewish Leaders Question Jesus- An intense, yet brief exchange.
The leaders were furious that He cleansed the Temple and wanted to put Jesus on the spot. They posed the question, by what authority is He performing the cleansing?
Counter – Question by Jesus- the Baptizer and his baptism- Is it from Heaven or man?
We do not know- Jesus refuses to answer their questions.
Sinners Believers
Jesus continues to respond to their question by asking for their opinion.
A man and two children- which did his bidding- the first they claim.
Jesus strong response- “The tax collectors and prostitutes are going before you into the kingdom of God.
Leaders Mistrust God’s Messengers – Parable of the Vineyard
The landowners- the harvest and the mistreatment of those doing the bidding of the owner.
It is reminiscent of God’s response to Israel sending Prophet after Prophet to His stiff- necked people with no response.
The disrespect of the son- who was seen as the heir- they wanted his inheritance.
The Result
The Chief priests and elders listening were horrified at this conclusion, for they knew only too well that they had been cast in the part of the rebellious farmers.The Kingdom of God would therefore be taken from them and be given to a nation producing the fruits of it.