Tag Archive for: Altar Boys

Weekly Sunday Bulletin – 2nd Sunday of Luke

st_romanos1October 5, 2014

As a harmonious harp of lofty wisdom from on high and an expounder of things seen in God-inspired ascents, we extol thee, Father Romanos, and we hymn thee. As a trumpet of the gifts that pass the mind of man, do thou rouse us to divine and saving watchfulness, as we cry to thee: Rejoice, O Father elect of God.
Kontakion in the Plagal of the Fourth Tone
St. Romanos– October 1

Parish Council on duty:
John Ioannou, Jr., John Argiropoulos, Andreas Ioannou,Marion Koliniatis, Anna Merkel, Demetri Rapanos, Peter Synoyannis, Kathy Ziegler

Altar Boy Retreat

On October 11th, 2014 from 2-5PM there will be an Altar Boy Retreat. We ask that any young gentleman who will be an Acolyte/Altar Boy for the 2014-15 year to attend.  Please spread the word to families who might want their son to become an acolyte here at St. Demetrios.

At our retreat, we will have what is called a Teaching Liturgy.  We will actually celebrate the Liturgy all together and we will learn about the Liturgy as well as all the essentials of being an Acolyte from the robes that we wear, to the processions and movements of Liturgy done by the Acolytes and the Priests. It will be a wonderful opportunity for prayer, love,  fun and fellowship together.  More information and details will be announced at later date!  If there are any questions or suggestions please do not hesitate to email me or call Sampson 954-467-1515.

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