Tag Archive for: Christmas Carol

Weekly Sunday Bulletin – 8th Sunday of Luke

allsaintsNovember 15, 2015

Guria, Shamuna & Habib, Martyrs & Confessors of Edessa

Of these Martyrs of the city of Edessa in Syria, Guria and Shamuna contested in 288; after many tortures, they were cast into prison, then beheaded. Saint Habib, a deacon, contested in 316, and was burned alive; he was buried with Saints Guria and Shamuna. The three have one common feast. On account of a miracle they worked, they are invoked for help in marital difficulties. A Goth had come with the Roman army to Edessa and was quartered in the house of a pious widow, Sophia. The Goth asked Sophia for the hand of her daughter, Euphemia; after resisting for a long time, Sophia agreed. When it was time for the army to return home, Sophia made the Goth vow by the power in the holy Martyrs Shamuna, Guria, and Habib, to keep Euphemia as the apple of his eye. However, the man revealed to Euphemia that he already had a wife. Euphemia was compelled to serve the Goths wife, who dealt with her mercilessly. After extreme sufferings, including being sealed alive in a tomb and left there to die, Euphemia was miraculously conveyed to Edessa, to the shrine of the holy Martyrs whose surety they had taken, and was reunited with her mother through their holy prayers.

Parish Council on duty:
John Argiropoulos, John Ioannou, Jr., Tony Maiorana, Anna Merkel, Garry Paxinos, Demetri Rapanos, Mark Zaden, Kathy Ziegler

Goya in January


  • District GOYA “Burning Bush” overnight retreat:  Located in Boca on Nov. 23 & 24. Total Goyans at this event was 93 and of those, 13 was from our community. Overall, great turnout….  I attach some pictures for the newsletter.
  • Thanksgiving Turkey Raffle: On Sunday, November 24th GOYA raffled 5 Turkeys that weighed an average of 20-22lbs each. This was a great fundraiser. Publix had donated a $200 gift card in order for us to purchase the turkeys. Please make a nice story in the Newsletter and make sure “Publix” is mentioned, I would like to forward a copy to the individual an Publix.


  • Christmas Caroling: There were three days which the Goyans went caroling, one of which was last Wednesday, we collected $450 that evening. Our next two dates is this Wednesday the 11th and this Friday the 13th. On Wednesday we caroled at the Philoptochos Party.
  • GOYA BAKING/SOCIAL: Saturday, December 14th we gathered to bake Greek cookies and a few chocolate chip of course for our Bake Sale that was scheduled Sunday the 15th.

To view pictures of these events visit our photo gallery.

GOYA Christmas Caroling

The St. Demetrios GOYA Carolers will be in your neighborhood to bring in the Christmas Cheer.

Dec. 4 – South Broward 6:00pm-8:30pm
Dec. 11 – North Broward 6:00pm-8:30pm
Dec. 19 – East Broward 6:00pm-8:30pm

If you would like them to sing for you and your family, please sign up at our GOYA table in the community center this Sunday.