Tag Archive for: Confession

Announcements – Palm Sunday

[WSB Cover:http://stdemetrios.org/weekly-sunday-bulletin-palm-sunday, Liturgical:http://stdemetrios.org/liturgical-palm-sunday, Announcements:http://stdemetrios.org/announcements-palm-sunday]

Easter Glendi

Join us in celebrating the Agape service at 2pm followed by our Glendi!!
Tickets available in the Community Hall on Sundays following the Divine Liturgy or by calling the Church Office to purchase by credit card at (954) 467-1515. For additional information see our webpage.

Palm Sunday Luncheon

Please join us on Palm Sunday for a delicious fish luncheon in our community center. Lunch is hosted by the Goyans. $10. for adults. Join us for lunch and fellowship.

Philoptochos pre-orders for Pascha

If you have placed an order for Easter Tsourekia, Eggs and Koulourakia. Please pick them up after church on Palm Sunday.

Holy Confession

The sacrament of Holy Confession will be offered after 6pm on the evenings of Sunday , April 28, Holy Monday, April 29 and Holy Tuesday, April 30. If you will like to make an appt. with Fr. Chris please call the church office.

Holy Thursday- Egg Dyeing

Philoptochos will be dyeing eggs in the church hall, on Holy Thursday, May 2 from 9am to 3pm. All parishioners are welcome to help. Please contact Dee Hopwood or Stavroula Christodoulou.

Holy Friday– Myrofores

If your daughter is in grades 1-4 and is interested in being a myrofora (flower girl) for Good Friday, please call Effie Vasil at 954-773-5455 after 5pm.

Decorating of the Kouvouklion

All are welcome to help decorate on Holy Friday following the service of the Royal Hours.

Agape Vespers Gospel Readers

If you would like to read the Holy Gospel in any different language i.e. Spanish, French, Latin, German etc. please call the church office.

Youth Ministries

Please pick up a copy of the Youth Ministry survey in the South Narthex or access it at our website.

Congratulations Lucas Metropulos!!

The United States Junior Chamber (Jaycees) has been recognizing and honoring ten Americans each year who exemplify the best attributes of the nation’s young people, through their Ten Outstanding Young Americans (TOYA) program. This year, we are very proud to announce that Lucas, as President and Founder of “Fishing for Families in Need” will be one of the recipients of this prestigious award. Congratulations Lucas!!

Announcements – St. Mary of Egypt

[WSB Cover:http://stdemetrios.org/weekly-sunday-bulletin-st-mary-of-egypt, Liturgical:http://stdemetrios.org/liturgical-st-mary-of-egypt, Announcements:http://stdemetrios.org/announcements-st-mary-of-egypt]

Palm Sunday Luncheon

Please join us on Palm Sunday for a delicious fish luncheon in our community center. Lunch is hosted by the Goyans. $10. for adults. Join us for lunch and fellowship.

If you have placed an order for Easter Tsourekia, Eggs and Koulourakia. Please pick them up after church on Palm Sunday.

Youth Ministries Appreciation Day

The event will take place at the end of the church service this Sunday in the church.  All Youth Ministry Directors, teachers, advisers, and helpers will be honored. (There is no Sunday School this Sunday).

Youth Survey for 2013-2014

If you are a parent and have not received in an email the Youth Survey for 2013-2014, please pick up a copy in the south narthex.

Saturday of Lazarus Orthodox Jeopardy

Please join us on April 27at 9:30 am for Saturday of Lazarus liturgy followed by a light breakfast . Stay for fellowship and palm folding and a Lenten Retreat hosted by the Ladies of Philoptochos as we get ready for Palm Sunday. For more information visit our new website.

Holy Confession

The sacrament of Holy Confession will be offered after 6pm on the evenings of Sunday , April 28, Holy Monday, April 29 and Holy Tuesday, April 30. If you will like to make an appt. with Fr. Chris please call the church office.

Holy Thursday – Egg Dyeing

Philoptochos will be dyeing eggs in the church hall, on Holy Thursday, May 2 from 9am to 3pm. All parishioners are welcome to help. Please contact Dee Hopwood or Stavroula Christodoulou.

Good Friday – Myrofores

If your daughter is in grades 1-4 and is interested in being a myrofora (flower girl) for Good Friday, please call Effie Vasil at 954-773-5455 after 5pm.

Decorating of the Kouvouklion

All are welcome to help decorate on Holy Friday following the service of the Royal Hours.

Agape Vespers Gospel Readers

If you would like to read the Holy Gospel in any different language i.e. Spanish, French, Latin, German etc. please call the church office.

Announcements – Forgiveness Sunday (Cheesefare)

[WSB Cover:http://stdemetrios.org/weekly-sunday-bulletin-forgiveness-sunday-cheesefare/, Liturgical:http://stdemetrios.org/liturgical-forgiveness-sunday-cheesefare/, Announcements:http://stdemetrios.org/announcements-forgiveness-sunday-cheesefare/]

Family Night – Language and Culture March 25th presentation

Please join us on Friday, March 22nd following the Salutations to the Theotokos. Join us in the community center  for a Lenten meal followed by a presentation from the Language and culture classes and a special guest, our “Ierokyrix”, V. Rev. Fr. Christodoulos Papadeas from the Metropolis of Atlanta.


We are looking for faithful members to give their time, talent and voices to join our choir, under the leadership of Patricia Zeiler, to give praise and honor in song to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. You do not have to have a perfect voice—All you need is a love for Christ and a desire to honor Him with all you heart, mind and voice. Choir rehearsal, Sat. Mar. 23 at 11am. Please contact the church office at 954-467-1515.

Annual Lenten Retreat

Orthodox Cathedral of Christ the Saviour in Miami Lakes on Saturday, March 16th and 23rd from 10:30am-3:30pm. The Lenten retreat will be led by two speakers, Klaus Kenneth and his fascinating journey to the Orthodox church and Dr. Christopher Veniamin on the life and teachings of Elder Sophrony. Complimentary lunch will be provided. Please call 305-822-0437 for more info.

Holy Confession

Fr. Chris will be hearing Holy Confession on Clean Monday, March 18 from  12pm-6pm. Please call the church office to schedule an appointment.

Save the Date

Nia Vardalos is coming to  St. Demetrios for an exclusive book signing. For more information visit our website.

Daughters of Penelope Scholarships

Two scholarships are being offered by the Daughters of Penelope from District #2 and the Nationals. Please contact Mary Carratt for more details at 954-491-0821. The deadline for the District is May 1st.

AHEPA National Scholarship Application – MARCH 31 Deadline

Scholarship Application

AHEPA District #2 Scholarship Application