Tag Archive for: giving opportunities

Weekly Sunday Bulletin – Sunday of the Blind Man

Sunday of the Blind ManMay 17, 2015

Welcome Eminence Metropolitan Alexios !

Fr. Chris, Fr. John and the parish council welcome His Eminence Metropolitan Alexios who will celebrate the Archieratical Divine Liturgy with us, today.

Parish Council on duty:

John Ioannou, Jr, Demetri Rapanos, John Argiropoulos, Anna Merkel, Kathy Ziegler, Andreas Ioannou, Mark Zaden

I come to You, O Christ, as the man blind   from birth.

With the eyes of my soul blinded, I cry out to You in repentance,

“You are the resplendent Light of those in darkness.”

Kontakion in the Fourth Tone

Weekly Sunday Bulletin – Apostle Andrew

Apostle AndrewNovember 30, 2014

Let us praise the namesake of bravery, the divinely eloquent and first to be called of the Disciples of Christ, the kinsman of Peter. As he called out to him in days of old, so now he calls to us, “Come, we have found Him for whom we yearned.”

Kontakion of Apostle Andrew the 1st Called in the Second Tone

Parish Council on duty:

John Ioannou, Jr., John Argiropoulos, Andreas Ioannou, Marion Koliniatis, Anna Merkel, Demetri Rapanos, Kathy Ziegler

Weekly Sunday Bulletin – 9th Sunday of Luke

St. KatherineNovember 23, 2014

O friends of martyrs, now divinely raise up a renewed chorus, praising the all-wise Katherine. For, she proclaimed Christ in the arena, trampled on the serpent, and spat upon the knowledge of the orators.

Kontakion in the Second Tone

St. Katherine– November 25
Parish Council on Duty:

George Georgakakis, Manny Daskos, Eleni Varvoutis, Michael Haralambis, Michael Fossler, Juanita Antley

Weekly Sunday Bulletin – Apostle Matthew

Apostle MatthewNovember 16, 2014

When thou didst cast away the publican’s balance and wast united to the yoke of uprightness, then didst thou prove a merchant of great excellence, one that gathered in the wealth of the wisdom of Heaven; for this cause, the word of truth thou didst herald, O Matthew, and didst arouse the souls of sluggish men by signifying the dread day of reckoning.

Kontakion of Apostle and Evangelist Matthew in the Fourth Tone

Parish Council on duty:
John Ioannou, Jr., John Argiropoulos, Andreas Ioannou, Marion Koliniatis, Anna Merkel, Demetri Rapanos, Kathy Ziegler

Weekly Sunday Bulletin – November 2, 2014

Synaxis of the ArchangelsNovember 2, 2014

O Commanders of the Heavenly Host, we the unworthy beseech you, that through your entreaties you will fortify us, guarding us in the shelter of the wings of your ethereal glory, even as we fervently bow before you crying: “Deliver us from all danger, as Commanders of the Powers on high! ”

Synaxis of the Archangels– November 8
Parish Council on duty:
John Ioannou, Jr. , John Argiropoulos, Andreas Ioannou, Marion Koliniatis, Anna Merkel, Demetri Rapanos, Peter Synoyannis, Kathy Ziegler