Tag Archive for: HDF

Weekly Sunday Bulletin – 6th Sunday of Luke

St. DemetriosOctober 26th, 2014

God, who gave you invincible power and with care kept your city invulnerable, royally clothed the Church in purple with the streams of your blood, for you are her strength, O Demetrios.

Kontakion in the Second Tone

Parish Council on Duty:

George Georgakakis, Manny Daskos, James Carras, Eleni Varvoutis, Michael Haralambis,  Michael Fossler, Juanita Antley

Weekly Sunday Bulletin – 15th Sunday of Luke

Three HierarchsSunday of Zacchaeus- January 26, 2014


Receive, O Lord, the Sacred Heralds who preached God, the pinnacle of Teachers, unto the enjoyment of Your riches and rest. You have received their labors and their suffering as being above and beyond all fruitful offering. For You alone glorify Your Saints.

 Kontakion in the Second Tone

Three Hierarchs– January 30

Parish Council on duty:

John Ioannou, Jr., John Argiropoulos, Andreas Ioannou, Marion Koliniatis, Anna Merkel, Demetri Rapanos, Peter Synoyannis, Kathy Ziegler

Dance in January

The Metropolis HDF will be held January 17, 18, and 19 in Orlando, Holy Trinity.

All dancers are requested to make every effort to attend all of the practices from now until the festival.  There are only SIX MORE PRACTICES! With many students missing multiple days each month, it is difficult for them to be truly learn each dance as we prepare to welcome so many people to our festival.  We will be holding a parent meeting – date TBA, and will begin fitting our dancers for costumes as well.  It is essential for all dancers to be present!

Our two HDF groups have been showing an amazing level of dedication, and we appreciate all of the support from the families and parishioners who have encouraged and supported us through all of our practices.

We wishing you all health and happiness in 2014, and look forward to an amazing year of fellowship in our dance program..

The Metropolis HDF will be held January 17, 18, and 19 in Orlando, Holy Trinity.

Dance Your Heart Away

St. Demetrios offers students from kindergarten through college-age the opportunity to learn about the culture and regions of Greece through dance and songs.  Our program is broken down into four groups: Junior Palazakia – kindergarten – second grade, Palazakia – third grade through fifth grade, Senior Palazakia – sixth grade through eighth grade, and Kamaria – high school.  We also have a very strong HDF (Hellenic Dance Festival) group who train on a vigorous schedule and take part in the annual HDF competition with other dancers from the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Atlanta.  We plan to have multiple groups perform at HDF, which is in Orlando this year, with dancers from middle school through young adults.  If you have a dancer who would like to learn more about HDF, please ask your child’s instructor, or any member of the DAC Board.

Please remember that all dancers should be prepared each week, with proper clothing and shoes.  Also, if you have any dance clothes or shoes that your child has outgrown and you would like to donate, or if you need any items for dance, we have our YiaYia’s Attic for our dancers!

The time and talents shared by our dancers, their families, and our instructors culminates in our annual St. Demetrios Greek Festival where we’re able to showcase the hard work and dedication of our dancers.