Tag Archive for: Prosphora

Weekly Sunday Bulletin – 3rd Sunday of Luke

Thomas the Apostle

Christ’s Apostle, who was filled with God’s divine grace, he who was His genuine and faithful servant in all truth, all-lauded
Thomas exclaimed aloud in deep repentance: Thou art both my God and Lord.

Kontakion in the Fourth Tone

Thomas the Apostle– October 6

Parish Council on duty:

John Ioannou, Jr., John Argiropoulos, James Carras, Anna Merkel, Demetri Rapanos, Peter Synoyannis, Kathy Ziegler

Announcement – Sunday of the Myrrh Bearers

[WSB Cover:http://stdemetrios.org/weekly-sunday-bulletin-sunday-of-the-myrrh-bearers, Liturgical:http://stdemetrios.org/liturgical-sunday-of-the-myrrh-bearers, Announcements:http://stdemetrios.org/announcement-sunday-of-the-myrrh-bearers]

Prosphora Needed

We thank all who do bring prosphora for our Divine Liturgies but we need a few extra breads for Sundays. If you are able to make, please  call the church office and speak to Fr. John.

Philoptochos Brown Bag Drive

The Philoptochos BROWN BAG food drive is here.Please pick up a brown bag (in the south narthex) and fill it with non-perishable items and return it to St. Demetrios. If you would like to make a monetary contribution, see Dee Hopwood.

Thank you for helping to feed a family in need.

Three Hierarchs Scholarship (THS) Award:

Application forms for the THS awards of Drs. Anthony and Joyce Kales are available in the Church office. These scholarships are awarded strictly on the basis of meritorious academic achievement for college bound seniors. The academic guidelines for consideration include:

  • placement in the top 10% of one’s class; membership in the National Honor Society; and
  • a combined SAT Verbal and Math score of 1280 or greater (1300 or greater if the high school does not have a ranking system or membership in the National Honors Society). Deadline for submission of application is June 15.

Visiting Angels Meeting

Please note this meeting on Tuesday, May 21st at 10:30am will be the last until we reconvene in the fall.

Agape Club

Join us on Tuesday, May 21 at 11am for a day of fellowship. We get together once a month for song, food and fun. Bring a friend along.  View our calendar for upcoming meetings.