Tag Archive for: Repairs

Roof Repair Update

We want to keep you updated on the Roof Renovation Project as things have progressed since our last letter to you.  As you are aware, there has been no construction on the roof itself for some time.  Due to our dismay, the roofer hired was unable to finish the job to our satisfaction.  The point of contention came with the installation and aesthetics of the TPO membrane system.  The project halted immediately and research commenced on a way to possibly make the TPO work and finding a new product.  The resulting decision was to forgo the TPO Membrane system and work with a new roofing company to install a liquid applied roofing system.

So for the past  several months, we have researched roofers who could complete the work and are pleased to report that 2 weeks ago we contracted with Best Roofing for the job. We received the necessary permit from the City and work began on Monday, April 20, 2015. Best Roofing advised, weather permitting, that the dome and pitched roofs should be completed within 2 months.

Once the roof is completed, the outside of the Church and hall will be painted so our Church will show its magnificence and be a landmark in the City of Ft. Lauderdale for years to come.

The remaining amount needed to complete the work with a new liquid applied system is $149,000. Thanks to the Mary Kandaras Estate, every dollar you give now up to $75,000 to support the completion of this project, will be doubled.  We are extremely grateful to the Estate and to all who have given to this most needed project. If you have not yet supported this project, please consider doing so as we need your help. If you have already given and are able to give again, we sincerely thank you for your continued support of the Church.

Once this project is completed we can then begin the next phase towards consecrating our Church.

Should you have any questions please feel free to reach out to one of us.

Rev. Fr. Christopher T. Metropulos, Proistamenos

John Ioannou, President, Parish Council

Roof Repair Update

We wanted to keep you updated on our Roof Renovation Project as things have progressed since our last letter to you. Much to our joy, our Church Architect, Christ Kamages of CJK Design Group, assisted us in selecting appropriate colors for our Church to remain within the traditions of our faith.  These colors are rooted in the Byzantine tradition and will give new life to our “village”.  In the process of the color selection, the firm also reviewed the roof repair option and offered another alternative that was far more superior to the original selection. As a result, we temporarily stopped the roofing project in order to investigate it further since the guarantee offered was doubled to 20 years and the option of having a gold metallic colored dome was presented. A solution that not only would be technically superior but also one that would be a fitting landmark to the legacy of our Faith and Parish – past, present and future. In our Orthodox Theology and Iconography, the new color scheme will be something to behold, especially within its environment and  green setting!

The roofing solution involved moving away from the stucco roof which is prone to cracking and water intrusion (as we already know).  Instead, a TPO or PVC roof was recommended.  This involved removing the existing roof, repairing the structure as needed, installing a new layer of insulation and covering it with this new roofing product.  TPO is a durable material used all over the world with great success (it is used for car bumpers as well), it is great for our curved application, UV resistant, cost-effective and can be painted.  With this roof system, we will paint it a gold metallic color and install faux ribs to give it the appearance of a traditional Byzantine standing seam metal roof at half the cost of a metal roof.  Combined with new flashing and gutters, we will be able to prevent the water intrusion and create a roof that will last for decades.

After a few months of review and fine tuning, the option presented was unanimously approved by the Parish Council and then presented at our Spring General Assembly meeting.  We are pleased to inform you that work has now resumed and within 60 days we should see some remarkable changes for the better. Once the roof of the Church is completed, we will then paint the outside of the Church then move inside to fix the many water damaged areas so we can complete the iconography project.  This will also be a herculean task since the water damage is extensive.  Like we do with our homes, we must from time to time bear the burden of repairs.  With God’s help and your prayers and support, we know we can accomplish this task together.   Just last week we learned that the Mary Kandaras Estate has presented a Challenge Gift to our parish of $120,000 and asks that all parishioners please contribute to this important project so the work may be finished and we can move closer to the day of our Consecration.  Thus far we have raised $120,000 and now with this Challenge Gift we are at $240,000.  With the extensive repairs that need to be done to the roof and then the interior work, we are still approximately $50,000 short so please give what you can today.  Time is of the essence.  Thank you for your continued support of our Church. 

Please consider to give towards this project here.



Roof Repair Update

We wanted to keep you updated on our Roof Renovation Project as things have progressed since our last letter to you. Much to our joy,roofwork1 our Church Architect, Christ Kamages of CJK Design Group, assisted us in selecting appropriate colors for our Church to remain within the traditions of our faith. These colors are rooted in the Byzantine tradition and will give new life to our Church “village”. During the color selection process, the Church Architect also reviewed the roof repair options and offered another alternative that was superior to our original selection of replacing the current system. As a result, we temporarily stopped the roofing project in order to investigate it further since the warranty offered was doubled to 20 years and the option of having a gold metallic colored dome was presented. A solution that not only would be technically superior but also one that would be a fitting landmark to the legacy of our Faith and Parish – past, present and future. In our Orthodox Theology and Iconography, the new color scheme will be something to behold, especially within its environment and green setting! 

The new roofing solution involves moving away from the current stucco roofing system which is prone to cracking and water intrusion (as we already know), and toward a TPO/PVC roofing system. This will involve removing the existing roof, repairing the cement structure if required, installing a new layer of insulation and covering it with this new roofing product. TPO is a durable material used all over the world with great success (it is used for Car Bumpers as well), it is great for our curved application, UV resistant, cost-effective and can be painted. With this roof, we will paint it a gold, metallic color and roofwork2install faux ribs to give it the appearance of a traditional Byzantine standing seam metal roof at half the cost of a metal roof. Combined with new flashing and gutters, we will be able to prevent water intrusion and create a roof that will last decades.

After a few months of research and review, the new option presented was unanimously approved by the Parish Council and then presented at our Spring General Assembly meeting. We are pleased to inform you that work has now resumed and within 60 days we will see remarkable changes for the better. Once the roof of the Church is completed, we will then paint the outside of the Church. Once that is completed, we will then move inside the Church to fix the many areas damaged by the leaks so we can complete the Iconography project. This will also be a herculean task since the water damage is extensive. Like we do with our homes, we must from time to time bear the burden of repairs. With God’s help and your prayers and support, we know we can accomplish
this task together. Thank you for your continued support of our Church.


Fr. Chris

John Ioannou, Jr., President

Members of the Parish Council:
George Georgakakis, Dimitri Rapanos, Michael Fossler, Juanita Antley, John Argyropoulos, James Carras, Manny Daskos, Mike Haralambis, Andreas Ioannou, Marion Koliniatis, Anna Merkel, Peter Synoyannis, Eleni Varvoutis, Kathy Ziegler.