The Liturgical Guide and Bulletin for Sunday, November 20, 2022

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November 20, 2022

9th Sunday of Luke



Proclus, Archbishop of Constantinople



Saint Proclus lived during the reign of Saint Theodosius the Younger. A disciple and scribe of Saint John Chrysostom, he was ordained Bishop of Cyzicus about the year 426, but because the people there unlawfully elected another bishop before his arrival, he remained in Constantinople. In 429, Nestorius, who had been Archbishop of Constantinople for about a year, and had already begun his blasphemous teaching that it is wrong to call the holy Virgin “Theotokos,” invited Bishop Proclus to give a sermon on one of the feasts of our Lady, which he did, openly defending in Nestorius’ presence the name “Theotokos,” that is, “Mother of God.” Saint Proclus was elevated to the throne of Archbishop of Constantinople in 434. It was he who persuaded Emperor Theodosius the Younger and his holy sister Pulcheria to have the most sacred relics of his godly teacher Saint John Chrysostom brought back from Comana, and triumphantly received them upon their return to the imperial city (see Jan. 27 and Nov. 13). He reposed in peace in 447.




Liturgical Guide


Resurrectional Apolytikion in the Plagal Second Mode
γγελικα Δυνμεις π τ μνμ σου…
Angelic powers were above Thy tomb, and they that guarded Thee became as dead.  And Mary stood by the grave seeking Thine immaculate Body.  Thou hast despoiled Hades and wast not tried thereby.  Thou didst meet the Virgin and didst grant us life. O Thou Who didst arise from the dead, Lord, glory be to Thee.
Reading is under copyright and is used with permission, all rights reserved by: Holy Transfiguration Monastery

Apolytikion for Forefeast of the Entry of the Theotokos in the Fourth Mode
Χαράν προμνηστεύεται…
By blossoming forth the only Ever-virgin as fruit, today holy Anna doth betroth us all unto joy, instead of our former grief; on this day she doth fulfil her vows to the Most High, leading her with joy into the Lord’s holy temple, who truly is the temple and pure Mother of God the Word.
Reading is under copyright and is used with permission, all rights reserved by: Holy Transfiguration Monastery

Apolytikion of St. Demetrios in the Third Mode
Μέγαν εύρατο εv τοίς κιvδύvοις …
Greatness has been found in danger.  You are champion of the world.  A victor who could turn the nations back.  You boldly encouraged Nestor to defeat Lyaeus in the arena.  Therefore, holy great martyr Demetrios, intercede with Christ our God, to grant us His great mercy.

Seasonal Kontakion in the  Fourth Mode
Ευφροσύνης σήμερον…
The whole world is filled today with joy and gladness on the Theotokos’s auspicious and resplendent feast, whereon with great voice it crieth out:  The heavenly tabernacle is she in truth.
Reading is under copyright and is used with permission, all rights reserved by: Holy Transfiguration Monastery


Epistle Reading

Prokeimenon. Plagal Second Mode. Psalm 27.9,1.
O Lord, save your people and bless your inheritance.
Verse: To you, O Lord, I have cried, O my God.

The reading is from St. Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians 2:4-10

Brethren, God who is rich in mercy, out of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead through our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), and raised us up with him, and made us sit with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, that in the coming ages he might show the immeasurable riches of his grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus. For by grace you have been saved through faith; and this is not your own doing, it is the gift of God: not because of works, lest any man should boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.


Gospel Reading

The reading is from Luke 12:16-21

The Lord said this parable: “The land of a rich man brought forth plentifully; and he thought to himself, ‘What shall I do, for I have nowhere to store my crops?’ And he said, ‘I will do this: I will pull down my barns, and build larger ones; and there I will store all my grain and my goods. And I will say to my soul, ‘Soul, you have ample goods laid up for many years; take your ease, eat, drink, be merry.’ But God said to him, ‘Fool! This night your soul is required of you; and the things you have prepared, whose will they be?’  So is he who lays up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God.” As he said these things, he cried out: “He who has ears to hear, let him hear.”



Memorial Prayer

Catherine Kourakos (1 year) survived by daughters Stella Androutsopoulos and Venetia Kourakos, a granddaughter and great grandchildren.

Parthena Papadopoulou (3 years) survived by her children and her grandchildren.

Philoptochos members of blessed memory

Trisagion Prayer

Maria Planakis (4 years) survived by her children Clare, Chris, Andreas, and Beth and her grandchildren Lucas, Chloe, Nikos and Alexandra.

Georgia Micklas (5 years) survived by her children Robert Micklas and Mary (Kenneth) Oxios, 4 grandchildren and 6 great grandchildren.


For the health of our Philoptochos members, an Artoklasia will be celebrated.






Philoptochos Sunday

Celebrating 90 years!

His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America designated last Sunday, the Sunday of the Good Samaritan, as Philoptochos Sunday.  At St. Demetrios, we will celebrate today with a Memorial for our members of blessed memory and an Artoclasia for our living members.

“We celebrate National Philoptochos Sunday on the day that we remember the parable of the ‘Good Samaritan,’ when mercy and unconditional compassion are manifest as the highest Christian virtues…Let us give thanks to the Lord that these ‘Good Samaritans’ are in our midst — making our Church even more loving and merciful every day — and offer to them our support, our resources and our cooperation.”

                                                                                             – His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America




Loving Stitches
We will be meeting on Tuesday, November 22 at 11:30am.  Come join in the fun!


Thank you
Thank you to Kostoula Kontogiannis.  In loving memory of her mother Christina Batistas, she donated two sets of silk, embellished altar tablecloths and coverings; one white, one green.


General Assembly
Our General Assembly Fall/Winter meeting is scheduled for Sunday, December 4.  Remember that in order to participate you must be a steward in good standing.


Bible Study
Bible Study is on Sundays at 1:15pm.  The focus is the Old Testament books Ezekiel and Judges.  We will meet upstairs next to the choir loft.


The St. Demetrios choir returned to the choir loft on October 16, and we are looking for new members.
Please see Chanters Alex or Athena for more information.


Philoptochos is taking orders for Vasilopita and melomakarona/finikia.  Carry on these beautiful traditions in your home this Christmas and New Year’s.  Order yours now in Kandaras Hall.


Annual Christmas Pageant and Party
Our Annual Christmas Party featuring the Sunday School Christmas Pageant,  a complimentary dinner, a visit by St. Nick, and the GOYA raffle is on Saturday, December 17 at 6:00pm in our hall.  Don’t miss it! Save the Date!



Thanksgiving Bake Sale: Stock up on home baked sweets at the Philoptochos Annual Bake Sale. All our best of Greek and American treats. November 20 in Kandaras Hall.





Buy Tickets in the Hall

Join Philoptochos, Daughters of Penelope, PAP Corps, AHEPA, and Agape at their annual Christmas Party, Friday, December 2 at Tropical Acres, $55.








Doors open at 5:30pm.  Special gift prizes have been privately donated for this pre-holiday Bingo.  Don’t miss this exciting evening!  There’s also a  50/50 raffle, plus refreshments.   It’s an evening of fun, family, friends, & food.  Get 2 Bingo cards for $7.00 at the door.  Supporting Feeding South Florida.  Sponsored by Philoptochos!  Invite your family, neighbors & friends.
See you on November 18th, at 5:30PM.

Hellenic Cultural Society of S. Florida

November 19th @ 7:00pm

“Lost Ηomelands, newfound Ηopes-Χαμενες Πατριδες, νεες Ελπιδες”

1922 marked the end of the 3000 year continuous presence of Greeks in Ionia/Asia Minor. Petros Tsingelis will guide us through the Asia Minor catastrophe events, a turning point in 20th century’s Modern Greek History. Join us for a lecture, a lively Q&A and a taste of Ionia! RSVP recommended. (754) 702-7323 or  RSVP/INFO

It promises to be a fascinating lecture with lots of pictures as Petros will walk us through the Ioanian landscape.




Oral History Project

The Hellenic Cultural Society (HCS) of South Florida is undertaking an Oral History Project which aims at creating an archive of the emigration and immigration experience of Greek Americans.

> All humans in the Americas, including Native Americans, immigrated from other continents. Greeks have been emigrating from their ancestral villages, hamlets and cities since the ancient times. As a result, they established what became the cities of Alexandria, Nice, Napoli, Messina, Odessa and Byzantium, to name but a few. In more recent times, Greeks immigrated to the United States of America. Some of them are our ancestors. The experience of these ancestors is an integral part of American History and must be recorded.

> The HCS invites you to include in the proposed archive the emigration and immigration history of your family. This may be accomplished through a live interview or by submitting written answers to a set of questions. All this primary data will be uploaded on a website and will become available to scholars embarking on a variety of topics regarding Greek Americans. In addition to the narrative you may wish to include copies of photographs and documents such as certificates of birth, baptism, marriage, divorce and death, passports etc.

> For more information please contact Malvina Protogerou Currie at or Stavroula Christodoulou at or at





if you have not already done so, please fill out a year 2022 pledge form by clicking here  Or download this form, fill out both sides completely and return it to the office.  Thank you!






Friday                11/18
6:00pm                            BINGO

Saturday            11/19
7:00pm                            HCS of South Florida presentation & reception

Sunday               11/20     

9:00am/10:00am             Orthros/Divine Liturgy
After Communion            Sunday School & Little Lambs
After Liturgy                    Thanksgiving Bake sale
12:30pm                          Dance
1:15pm                            Bible Study

Monday              11/21    Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple
9:00am/10:00am             Orthros/Divine Liturgy
4:15pm-6:00pm               Greek Classes A’,B’, Γ’, Δ’ & Adult Beginner in person
6:30pm-7:30pm               Intermediate Modern Greek – Google Meet

Tuesday             11/22
11:30am                          Loving Stitches
7:00pm                            Advanced Modern Greek-zoom

Thursday           11/24    Happy Thanksgiving!

Sunday               11/27  
9:00am/10:00am             Orthros/Divine Liturgy
After Liturgy                    GOYA decorating the church
1:15pm                            Bible Study