We Are Witnesses for Christ – Mirroring Christ
Book Reference
By Henri J. M. Nouwen
Opening thoughts and basis for discussion
Something which existed since the beginning, that we have heard and we have seen with our own eyes; that we have watched and touched with our hands; the Word, who is life–this is our subject. (1 John 1:1)
1. To be a witness for Christ you must first know him. What ways can you employ in your life to do this? In what ways do you see yourself as a Christian witness?
2. How have you experienced the “pervasive drive for upward mobility” in your own life? “There is a profound difference between the false ambition for power and the true ambition to love and serve”. Henri Nouwen.
3. In what ways does our society punish those who can’t or won’t keep up with the quest for upward mobility?
4. How is downward mobility manifested at the center of Christian faith?
5. What does it mean to live as a disciple of Jesus?
6. Why does a simple imitation of how Jesus lived represent a misunderstanding of the truth revealed in Christ?
7. What is the spiritual life? In what sense is this a gift rather than something we achieve by our own efforts?
Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, trustfulness, gentleness, and self control are indeed the qualities of our Lord himself and reveal his presence in the midst of a world so torn apart by idolatry, envy, greed, sexual irresponsibility, war and other sin. (Gal. 5:19-23)