Weekly Sunday Bulletin – 1st Sunday of Luke
We thank the 360 stewards who have pledged for 2014.
Youth Ministries: Important Information
We hope that your children are enjoying the youth programs here at St. Demetrios Church!
It is going to continue to be a great year with many new offerings.
September 30th is the last day to register your
children. Please sign them up at
We need to have the release of liability on file.
Please provide the information requested on the form.If you are not comfortable proceeding to the PayPal checkout portion of the form, your children will still be considered registered. If you do not proceed with the PayPal option, because you prefer another method of payment or because you are not able to fulfill the financial obligation at this point in time, we ask that you please call (954) 467-1515 and ask to speak with Fr. John.
If your children are in the younger classes of Sunday school please make sure to DROP OFF and PICK UP your children upstairs in the classrooms. If your children are dancing at Art Serve, please chaperone your children to and from the building.
Visiting Angels
Fr. Chris, Fr. John and the Visiting Angels visit those who are in the hospital and those who are homebound.
If you or a loved one would like a visit from Fr. Chris or Fr. John or companionship from the Visiting Angels, please call the office at
(954) 467-1515.
Women’s Bible Study
Our first class will be on Sunday, October5th upstairs in the church, and from then on the first Sunday of every month. The study will begin promptly at 1pm and you are asked to arrive early. Please bring your Bible, notebook, pen and open heart for God.
Youth Ministries
Last day for registration is Sept. 30th. If you have not registered your children for our Youth Programs please sign them up! Without release of liability , your child will not be able to participate. If your children are in the younger classes of Sunday school please make sure to drop off and PICK UP your children upstairs in the classrooms. If your children are dancing at Art Serve, please chaperone your children to and from the building.
Ionian Village– on the go…GOYA district event on Saturday, October 18th. Call Sampson Kasapakis for more information at 954-467-1515.
Philoptochos– mark your calendar
An Estate planning seminar on October 1st at 3pm in the community center.
Learn how to plan for the inevitable , free advice on wills and trusts and advanced directives
St. Demetrios name day dinner dance– October 25
Join us in celebration beginning with vespers at 6pm followed by a cocktail reception at 7pm and dinner at 7:30pm. Dance to the music of Demetri and the Islanders!
Tickets for adults are $45.00 pre-sale until Oct. 19th and $30. for children 12 & up. Please contact
Marion Koliniatis at 305-632-1415 or Kathy Ziegler. at 954-564-3379 for reservations.But your tickets today in the community center.
Family Ministry
The Metropolis Family Life Ministry has a wealth of online articles, which we pray will be informative for your parish families. These offerings include:
- A delightful weekly series on parenting by Jocelyn Mathewes, entitled “Joyful Noise” including her photography.
- An insightful discussion with our twenty and thirty year-olds, exploring the future of this generation and the Church.
- New Social Faith sessions encouraging our twenty and thirty year-olds in the faith through “world-café” structured gatherings.
- “Small Steps to enrich your marriage” A series from Dr. Roxanne Louh – weekly articles on healthy relational awareness.
- Articles on the importance of connecting with college students.
- An article by Julie Moricz, the Metropolis Coordinator for Youth, Education, and Hellenic Culture, on the importance of reinforcing St. Stephen’s Camp year-round.
- Links to family friendly resources from Orthodox Christian Network and the Archdiocese.
- please see attached flyer
St. Demetrios New Years Cruise!
Book your cabin today with Stephen Solos 954-290-0549 for a one week cruise aboard the MSC Divina. Set to sail Dec. 27 with stops in St. Maarten, San Juan and Gr. Stirrup Key and back Jan. 3. A fully refundable deposit of $100. per person is due upon booking with final payment due Oct. 3. Please watch for more details.
The St. Demetrios Endowment Program
This program has been established in order to secure the future of our church. Individuals, families, businesses or corporations may give to the Endowment fund and designate these funds to be utilized within the following areas, Educational Programs, Land Acquisition, Building Maintenance, New Building Construction and Social Ministries. Your gift would have an immediate impact with 50% being held in the endowment fund thereby securing growth for the future and the other 50% going immediately for use in the area you have chosen. This giving can be done during your lifetime or designated in your will. We are available to discuss these options and others with you at your convenience. Please contact Fr. Chris for additional information.
Save the Date
October 25 St. Demetrios Dinner Dance … A Night at the Plaka
December 12 White Dream… a Holiday Celebration
December 27 New Year’s Eve Cruise aboard the MSC Divina
February 6-8 Fort Lauderdale Greek Festival
2015Grand Raffle 1st Prize 2015 Mercedez Benz CLA250
March 2015 Anchors Away.. Gala Event