Weekly Sunday Bulletin – 7th Sunday of Luke

Thank You!

Philoptochos is grateful for everyone who lovingly baked and brought in

delicious pastries to help us celebrate the feast day of our church


Oct. 28 commemorates the anniversary when former military General and Prime Minister Ioannis Metaxas said “NO” to an ultimatum made by Italian Prime Minister Benito Mussolini to allow forces to occupy strategic locations in Greece or otherwise face war back in 1940. Please read the encyclical from Archbishop Demetrios.

Leadership 100

On this Sunday, October 27, nearest to the Feast of Saint Iakovos on October 23, we give thanks to God for the faithful and steadfast members of Leadership 100 and celebrate the great achievements of the Leadership 100 Endowment Fund, which, over 28 years since its founding by Archbishop Iakovos of Blessed Memory, has continuously provided assistance to the ministries of our Church for the glory of God. Please read the encyclical from The Archbishop of Demetrios.

Cancer Chapter– Annual White Elephant Sale November 1 & 2, 2013

We are now accepting donations of gently used household items, interesting collectables, vintage items and artifacts. Due to space limitations this year we will not collect or sell articles of clothing. If you are interested in donating articles to the sale please see me,Stephanie Pavlakis, after church during the coffee hour or, any member of the Cancer Chapter for more details.

Please bring your donations during the week from 9am to 4pm. Thank you for your support and understanding.

Please plan to visit us at the sale this year and tell your family and friends. You can learn more about the work we do at the Pap Corps by visiting us at www.papcorps.org

Brown Bag Food Drive

The Daughters of Penelope are beginning their annual food drive to benefit the Co-operative Food Bank of Broward County. Please pick up a brown paper bag in the South narthex and return your filled bags to the front narthex no later than Nov. 24th. Thank you for feeding a family in need and more so now.

GOYA Turkey Raffle

Please support our youth with their annual turkey raffle. Purchase a ticket for a chance to win one of 4 turkeys. Date of drawing November 17 after services in the community center (need not be present to win).

Fort Lauderdale Greek Festival Forum Tuesday, November 12 at 7:30pm

An open dialogue for all parishioners.

We want to hear your feedback and recommendations (food items, entertainment, layout, children’s area, marketing, sponsorships and much more) for the Festival.

Please attend this exchange of ideas to share your thoughts and suggestions to make the 2014 Fort Lauderdale Greek Festival the most successful ever.

NEED Community Service Hours for school?

Philoptochos is seeking student volunteers to serve during several events planned throughout the year. DOUBLE HOURS AWARDED FOR TIME DONATED ON WEEKENDS! Interested? Forward NAME, GRADE, PHONE and EMAIL to: Mrs. Lora Fossler Ljfossler820@gmail.com

When VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED, Mrs. Fossler will contact you to confirm your participation and provide details for that event.

A Historic Quest of Faith

Holy Land Pilgrimage on March 5-14, 2014 . Join Fr. Chris and Fr. Steven Zorzos form Saint Sophia in Washington, DC for this once in a lifetime opportunity. More information to follow

Order of Saint Andrew, Archons of the Ecumenical Patriachate

On December 4 and 5, 2013 , the Archons will be sponsoring a Second International Religious Freedom Conference in Berlin, Germany titled Tearing Down Walls: Achieving Religious Equality in Turkey and will bring together politicians, diplomats, etc to discuss religious freedom. If you wish to demonstrate support for the Mother Church please visit the Archons Website for more information.