Weekly Sunday Bulletin April 10, 2016
Sunday of Saint John Climacus (St. John of the Ladder)
On this Sunday of Great Lent, we remember St. John Climacus or St. John of the Ladder. He was the abbot of the Monastery of St. Katherine on Mt. Sinai during the seventh century. St. John wrote The Ladder of Divine Ascent, which is a guide to ascetic living (living a spiritually disciplined life). This book is read in every Orthodox monastery during Great Lent. In this book, St. John writes about 33 rungs of the ladder we climb in our ascent to heaven. Each rung represents a different Christian virtue (obedience, repentance, love, humility, etc.). In today’s Gospel passage, we are shown that through faith in Christ all things are possible. We too need to cry as the father in today’s Gospel, “Lord, I believe; help my unbelief.” Furthermore, this passage reveals that faith to conquer our demons comes only from prayer and fasting. At this point, Christ begins to reveal to the disciples about His upcoming suffering. St. John of the Ladder is commerated on the Fourth Sunday of Lent. His Feast Day is on March 30.
O John our father, saint of God, you were revealed as a citizen of the desert, as an angel in a body and a worker of miracles. Through fasting, prayer and vigils you have received heavenly gifts of grace, and have healed the sick and the souls of those who turn to you with faith. Glory be to Him who gave you strength; glory to Him who crowned you; glory be to Him who through you grants to all men healing.
Parish Council on duty:
Basil Economou, Michael Fossler, George Georgakakis, Harry Tangalakis