Weekly Sunday Bulletin April 17, 2016
Philoptochos pre-orders for Pascha
Please place your order with Philoptochos (envelopes are available in the South Narthex) for Easter Tsourekia, Eggs and Koulourakia before April 24, 2016..Please see order information on envelope. Pre-paid Tsoureki and Koulourakia can be picked up on Saturday of Lazarus and Palm Sunday. Pre-paid dyed eggs must be picked up, on Holy Thursday, by 3PM .
Myrofores Schedule
Father Jim would like our Sunday School girls to serve as Myrofores on Friday night and at the Anastasi on Saturday night. Girls in the third grade and up may serve on Friday night and girls in the fifth grade and up may serve on Saturday night. If your daughter would like to participate, please call or email Effie Vasil at: 954-773-5455 (after 6:00pm) or email her at: evasi1031@aol.com
Saturday of Lazarus Schedule
Divine Liturgy will be at 10:00 followed by a breakfast prepared by the Philoptochos. Palm folding will be immediately after breakfast in Kandaras Hall. Altar Boys and Myrofores will have a mini-retreat and meeting with Father Jim at 11:45 in the Church. All Altar boys and Myrofores must attend. The Elementary Oratorical Festival, grades 3-6, will be in the Church immediately following the mini-retreat. Fr. Jim and crew will prep/cook GOYA meal for Palm Sunday Luncheon at 12:45.
Join us for a great day of fellowship!
Palm Sunday Luncheon
Join us on Palm Sunday following the Divine Liturgy for a Luncheon sponsored by GOYA. The menu is New England Style breaded & baked cod~ roasted “Greek”potatoes~green beans in lemon & olive oil~salad (pasta in red sauce for those with fish allergies or kids) The cost is $15/per person.
Thank You!
We would like to thank Greek Islands Taverna for the generous donation of the fish for the Palm Sunday Luncheon.
Available Confession Times
Although Father Jim hears confessions by appointment during the course of the year, he has created additional time slots for those who wish to avail themselves of the Sacrament of Confession prior to Holy Week & Pascha. If you wish to receive the Sacrament of Confession prior to Holy Week & Pascha, please sign up for a time by writing your name in one of the time slots on the clipboards found in the Narthex or call the church office (954) 467-1515. Please note, due to the very busy liturgical schedule during Holy Week (and due to the fact that we only have one priest) Fr. Jim will not be able to hear confessions during Holy Week.
Help Needed
Holy Thursday- Egg Dyeing
Beginning at 9:00am until 3:00pm on Holy Thursday, April 9 our Ladies of Philotochos will be dying eggs. Please contact Dee Hopwood at (954) 561-9724 or Stavroula Christodoulou at (954) 755-3506.
Decorating of the Kouvouklion
All are welcome to help decorate on Holy Friday, April 10th following the 9:00am Service of
the Royal Hours.
Decorating for Holy Saturday Liturgy of St. Basil
We are looking for volunteers to help decorate the church after the Good Friday Lamentations so that it is ready for the Holy Saturday 9:00am Vespers and Liturgy of St. Basil. Please call the Church Office at (954) 467-1515 if you can help.
Do you live in Pembroke Pines, near Century Village, and can drive an elderly lady to church for Palm Sunday and Holy Friday afternoon for the Service of Unnailing? Please call the church office at (954) 467-1515 if you are available.
Agape Service Readers
If you would like to read the Holy Gospel in any language other than English, Greek, Spanish, or French, (i.e. Latin, German , Russian, Arabic etc.), please call the church office (954) 467-1515.