Weekly Sunday Bulletin – Forgiveness Sunday


We thank the 181 Stewards who have pledged for 2015.

We are already in the second month of the year!

Won’t you promptly renew your commitment of time, talent and treasure?

You may do so by filling out a pledge card, visiting our website, www.stdemetrios.org or calling the office at (954) 467-1515

Giving Opportunities at St. Demetrios and Interacting

Stewardship Commitment

Commit your Time, Talent and Treasure- If you are a member of our parish, reach out and bring in one new family or reactivate a family you know by asking them to join you at Church .If you are new to our parish, please visit our website for more details about our parish family. Come and worship with us each Sunday.

Iconography Project

Sacred Murals adorn the walls of all Orthodox Churches. Our Parish offers the opportunity for you to donate an icon in honor of a loved one or in memory of someone. Call our church to discuss. 9 Medallions and 1 Standing Saint, 3 Murals of Miracles, 2 dome icons, glass railing on balcony, glass doors to narthex are still available to be dedicated to a loved one. Contact our clergy.

Land Purchase

Throughout the past two decades we have sought to expand our church campus to allow for our growth. You may donate for the property to the South of the Church- half of the funds have been raised for this long awaited accomplishment.

Church Roof Renovation

Our greatest project this year is the completion of our dome restoration. Raising funds to complete the roof and then renovate the interior of the Church damaged by water over the years. Be a part of creating this landmark building in South Florida.

Endowment Program

Individuals, families, businesses or corporations may give to the Endowment fund and designate these funds to be utilized within the church. This giving can be done during your lifetime or designated in your will.

Give the Gift of Life: Blood Drive

Today,Sunday February 22 from 9:30am to 1:00pm


Coffee hour is sponsored by the Collins family in loving memory of Mitzie Gousetis

Pita Sunday– Philoptochos

Don’t know where to go for lunch today? Please join us in the Community center , Philoptochos will be serving a light lunch.

Holy Confession

Fr. Chris will be hearing Holy Confession on Clean Monday, February 23 from 3pm-6pm. Please call the church office to schedule an appointment.


Every Friday during Lent, for the Salutations, we decorate our beautiful Icon of the Theotokos. If you would like to contribute it is $40., each Friday Feb. 27, Mar. 06, Mar. 13 , Mar. 20, and for Friday, March 27, the Akathist Hymn , it is $75.00.

Thank you as always for your continued support.

Holy Confession

Fr. Chris will be hearing Holy Confession on Clean Monday, February 23 from 3pm-6pm. Please call the church office to schedule an appointment.

Daughter’s of Penelope Fashion Show on March 14, 2015

Please come and support the fashion show sponsored by the Daughters of Penelope . Tickets on sale today in the community center .

Visiting Angels

Fr. Chris, Fr. John and the Visiting Angels visit those who are in the hospital and those who are home bound. If you or a loved one would like a visit from Fr. Chris or Fr. John or companionship from the Visiting Angels, please call the office at (954) 467-1515.

Schedule of Services

Saturday of Souls

2/14 – 9:00 am – 10:30 am

2/21 – 9:00 am – 10:30 am

2/28- 9:00 am – 10:30 am

Presanctified Liturgy


2/25 – 6:30 pm

3/04 – 6:30 pm

3/11 – 6:30 pm

3/18 – 6:30 pm

4/01 – 6:30 pm

Salutations to the Theotokos


2/27 – 6:30 pm

3/06 – 6:30 pm

3/13- 6:30 pm

3/20 – 6:30 pm

3/27- 6:30 pm( Akathist Hymn)

Greek Festivals this weekend Feb. 20-22.

Please help support our sister parishes.

St. Sophia– Miami , St. Catherine -WPB and St. Nicholas—Ft. Pierce