Weekly Sunday Bulletin – Great and Holy Pascha

Holy PaschaApril 20, 2014 – Great and Holy Pascha

We were buried with Him through Baptism into Death …
Even so we also should walk in newness of Life

Baptism is the Cross. What the Cross then, and Burial, is to Christ, Baptism has been to us, even if not in the same respects. For He died Himself and was buried in the flesh, but we have done both to sin… Here he hints, along with the duty of a careful walk, at the subject of the Resurrection… For if you have shared in Death and Burial, much more will you share in the Resurrection and Life… After the Resurrection to come had been set before us, he demands of us another, a new conversation, which is brought about in the present life by a change in habits.

St. John Chrysostom

All Parish Council on duty:

Juanita Antley, John Argiropoulos, James Carras, Manny Daskos,  Michael Fossler, George Georgakakis, Mihali Haralambis, Andreas Ioannou, John Ioannou Jr.,  Marion Koliniatis, Anna Merkel, Demetri Rapanos, Peter Synoyannis, Eleni Varvoutis, Kathy Ziegler