Weekly Sunday Bulletin – Holy Fathers of the 7th Ecumenical Council

Parish Feast Day Celebration

The Feast of Saint Demetrios Great Vespers at 5pm on Sunday, October 25th Orthros at 9am; Divine Liturgy at 10am on Monday, October 26th. More information to soon follow.

Ask the priest!

If you have questions about our Orthodox faith, fill out the Ask the Priest! form. You will find forms, and the mailbox to place them in, on the desk in the south narthex, outside the office. The answers to your questions will be given the following Sunday to encourage the education of all who are present.

Fall Harvest Party

Join us for our First Annual Family Night Costume Party! Come dressed to impress. Friday, October 30th @6pm in the church community center. No admission fee. Monster Cupcake Decorating Station * Bobbing for Apples* Crafts * Games * Music * Dancing * Family and Community Fun.

Food & Drinks available for Purchase

Angelic Voices Needed

Panagiotis, our new choir director , is seeking new members for our choir. Please contact Fr. John if you are interested in joining.

Joy and Hope ~ Save the Date

The first get together for Joy and Hope will take place on Saturday, October 17th in the Community Hall from 5:30pm – 8:30pm for children in kindergarten thru 6th grade.

General Assembly ~Save the Date

The fall General Assembly is scheduled for Sunday, November 22nd, immediately following the Divine Liturgy. Make sure to join us for this very significant and decisive meeting.

Cancer Chapter ~White Elephant Sale November 6th & 7th

Our annual White Elephant Sale will be held in the main hall, Friday, November 6th from 8AM-4PM and Saturday, November 7th from 8AM-2PM. All proceeds support cancer research at the Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine.

We are accepting donations of gently used household items, interesting collectibles, vintage items and artifacts. Used clothing will not be sold this year. If you are interested in donating articles to the sale, please see any member of the Cancer Chapter during coffee hour. Items will be accepted after October 27th Mon-Wed from 9AM-4PM and Sunday Nov 1.

Ahepa Honors Our Veterans ~Saturday, November 14th

Color Guard and ceremony, dinner and dancing, all in our church hall. Details to follow.