Weekly Sunday Bulletin-May 29, 2016
Summer Camp Scholarships
There are scholarship opportunities to assist our young Orthodox Christians to participate in the St. Demetrios Summer Camp as well as the St. Stephens Summer Camp in North Carolina.
The Philoptochos will sponsor 2 children at the St. Demetrios Summer Camp. Additionally, we are very pleased to announce that a scholarship fund from the Mary Kandaras estate has been established to fund 2 additional children at the St. Demetrios Summer Camp as well as one child at the St. Stephens camp in North Carolina.
Attendance at these camps is not only fun and educational but provides our young Orthodox Christians with an environment to develop their spiritual growth. Details regarding the criteria for the scholarships and applications are available on the St. Demetrios website or at the Church office.
May 2016 Three Hierarchs Scholarship (THS) Award:
Application forms for the THS awards of Drs. Anthony and Joyce Kales are available in the Church office. These scholarships are awarded strictly on the basis of meritorious academic achievement for college bound seniors. The academic guidelines for consideration include:
Grade Point Average of 3.5 or above; membership in the National Honor Society; a combined SAT Verbal and Math score of 1280 or greater (the combined scores must be from the same SAT exam i.e., scores cannot be combined from two separate SAT exams). ACT substitution for the SAT examination is not allowed. Deadline for submission of application is June 15.