Weekly Sunday Bulletin – Palm Sunday
We thank the 252 stewards who have pledged for 2014.
Philoptochos pre-orders for Pascha
Please place your order with Philoptochos for Easter Tsourekia, and Koulourakia today in the community center. Philoptochos is also in need of empty egg cartons.
No Agape Meeting
Please note there will be no Visiting Angels or Agape meeting Tuesday, April 15.
Palm Sunday Luncheon– April 13
Please join us today for a delicious fish luncheon in our community center. Lunch is hosted by the Goyans , $10. for adults, and for children under 10 a pasta lunch will be served for $5.
Holy Confession
Holy Confession will be offered from 6pm to 8pm on the evenings of Sunday , April 13 , Holy Monday, April 14 and Holy Tuesday, April 15 If you will like to make an apt. with Fr. Chris please call the church office.
Holy Thursday- Egg Dyeing
Philoptochos will be dyeing eggs in the church hall, on Holy Thursday, April 17 from 9am to 3pm. All parishioners are welcome to help. Please contact Dee Hopwood or Stavroula Christodoulou. If you have placed an order for red eggs , please pick up your order between 3pm-5pm on Thursday.
Good Friday– Myrofores
This year, all girls registered in Sunday School who are interested in being a myrofora (flower girl) for Good Friday, call Effie Vasil at 954-773-5455 after 5pm.
Decorating of the Kouvouklion
All are welcome to help decorate on Holy Friday following the service of the Royal Hours.
Holy Saturday Family Brunch
Please join us on Holy Saturday for a Holy Saturday Family Brunch immediately following the Divine Liturgy.
A luncheon catered by Nikol Maroulis will be served at a cost of $15.00 for adults and $8 for children. There will be an Egg Hunt and face painting for the children. Magiritsa to be enjoyed after the Resurrection Service will be sold at $5.00 a pint. More Information
Agape Service
If you would like to read the Holy Gospel in any language other than English or Greek ie Spanish, French, Latin, German , Russian, Arabic etc., please call the church office.
District Pre-Marital Seminar
St. Demetrios is hosting the district pre-marital seminar on May 10th from 10am to 4pm.
Couples from other parishes will all meet here on Saturday to attend this seminar which is a prerequisite to marriage. The next session is Sept. 6 at St. Mark in Boca Raton. Please call the church office if you are planning to attend.
St. Demetrios Summer Camp from June 9th to June 13th, 2014
Register your children today!
This camp is offered as a way for our young people to further engage their faith and build relationships with others. There are many activities and workshops that will bring the Christian ethos to their minds and hearts. This is a wonderful and unique opportunity for our youth to experience Christ and our Orthodox faith alongside their friends, peers, and mentors. If you are interested and want more information please visit our website.
Please note that our youth from St. Demetrios will be attending St. Stevens Summer camp Session V.
EYCC Volunteer Application
It takes many faithful to offer programs for our youth. Without the help of the parents and volunteers it would not be possible. If you are interested in helping our our youth programs by giving of your time and talent for Sunday School, Language & Culture, GOYA, and/or Dance please fill out this application.
Welcome Sampson Kasapakis
Fr. Chris and Fr. John , the Parish Council and the EYCC are happy to announce the arrival of Sampson Kasapakis a graduate of the Holy Cross Orthodox School of Theology. Sampson will assume the role as a Youth Coordinater for St. Demetrois on a part time basis and work full time in Parish Relations for OCN.
Archangel Michael Award recipients for 2014
Congratulations to Peter Kokkinos and Erini Chong who have been selected as this year’s Archangel Michael award adult and youth recipients. Their hard work and dedication has not gone unnoticed and we are proud to have them as part of our family here at St. Demetrios. Panta Axie!!