Weekly Sunday Bulletin – September 1st, 2019
Beginning of the Ecclesiastical Year – September 1, 2019
Symeon the Stylite
Father Symeon was born about the year 390 in Sis, in the mountains of Cilicia and Syria. Having first been a shepherd, he entered the monastic discipline at a young age. After trying various kinds of ascetical practices, he began standing on pillars of progressively greater height, and persevered in this for more than 40 years; the greater part he spent standing. He did not adopt this strange way of life out of vainglory, a charge that some of his contemporaries made against him: because he was already famous for his asceticism and holiness before ascending his first pillar (in Greek, “style” hence “Stylite”), many pious people came to him wishing to touch his garments, either for healing or for a blessing; to escape the vexation they caused, he made a pillar about 10 feet high, and then higher and higher, until the 4th and last was about 50 feet high. The Church historian Theodoret of Cyrrhus, an eyewitness of his exploits who wrote of him while Symeon was yet alive, called him “the great wonder of the world.” God gave him the grace to persevere in such an astonishing form of asceticism that multitudes came to see him from Persia, Armenia, South Arabia, Georgia, Thrace, Spain, Italy, Gaul, and the British Isles. Theodoret says that he became so famous in Rome that the Nomadic Arabs by the thousands believed in Christ and were baptized because of him; the King of Persia sent envoys to inquire into his way of life, and the Queen asked to be sent oil that he had blessed. He also was a great defender of sound doctrine, and confirmed the Orthodoxy of the Holy Council of Chalcedon for many who had been beguiled by the teachings of the Monophysites. After a life of unheard-of achievements and struggles, he reposed in peace at the age of sixty-nine.
Parish Council on Duty:
George Georgakakis, Karyl Zitis, Lazarus Kirifides,Katherine Ziegler,Basil Economou, Philip Vias
Liturgical Guide
Resurrectional Apolytikion in the Second Mode
Ὅτε κατῆλθες πρὸς τὸν θάνατον…
When Thou didst descend unto death, O Life Immortal, then didst Thou slay Hades with the lightning of Thy Divinity. And when Thou didst also raise the dead out of the nethermost depths, all the powers in the Heavens cried out: O Life-giver, Christ our God, glory be to Thee.
Apolytikion for Beginning of the Indiction in the Second Mode
Ὁ πάσης δημιουργὸς τῆς κτίσεως…
O Maker of all Creation, Who hast established the times and the seasons in Thine own power: Bless the crown of this year with Thy goodness, O Lord, and keep our rulers and Thy flock in peace, by the intercessions of the Theotokos, and save us.
Apolytikion for Righteous Symeon the Stylite in the First Mode
Υπομονής στύλος γέγονας…
Thou becamest a pillar of patience and didst emulate the Forefathers, O righteous one: Job in his sufferings, Joseph in temptations, and the life of the bodiless while in the body, O Symeon, our righteous Father, intercede with Christ God that our souls be saved.
Apolytikion of St. Demetrios in the Third Mode
Μέγαν εύρατο εv τοίς κιvδύvοις …
Greatness has been found in danger. You are champion of the world. A victor who could turn the nations back. You boldly encouraged Nestor to defeat Lyaeus in the arena. Therefore, holy great martyr Demetrios, intercede with Christ our God, to grant us His great mercy.
Seasonal Kontakion in the Fourth Mode
Ὁ τῶν αἰώνων Ποιητὴς καὶ Δεσπότης…
O God of all, Thou Who hast made all the ages, * O Sovereign Lord, truly transcendent in essence, * bestow Thy grace and blessing on the year to come; * and, O Most Compassionate, * in Thine infinite mercy * save all them that worship Thee, * Who alone art our Master, * and that with fear, O Saviour, cry to Thee: * Grant unto all men a fruitful and godly year.
The reading is from St. Paul’s First Letter to Timothy 2:1-7
Timothy, my son, first of all, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all men, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life, godly and respectful in every way. This is good, and it is acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all, the testimony to which was borne at the proper time. For this I was appointed a preacher and apostle (I am telling the truth, I am not lying), a teacher of the Gentiles in faith and truth.
The Reading is from Luke 4:16-22
At that time, Jesus came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up; and he went to the synagogue, as his custom was, on the sabbath day. And he stood up to read; and there was given to him the book of the prophet Isaiah. He opened the book and found the place where it was written, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed, to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.” And he closed the book, and gave it back to the attendant, and sat down; and the eyes of all in the synagogue were fixed on him. And he began to say to them, “Today this scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.” And all spoke well of him, and wondered at the gracious words which proceeded out of his mouth.
Trisagion Prayers
Maria Kirilova Peneva (2 years) survived by her daughter Aneta Zlateva.
Juliette Zophres (8 years) survived by her husband Bill, children Theocharis and Areti Mary and three grandchildren.
If you have yet to pledge for the year, please fill out a form; stewardship is not automatically renewed. If you have pledged, please check to see if you are current in your donations towards your gift of treasure. If you have questions, please call the office, (954) 467-1515, or email, office@stdemetrios.org. Thank you!
To date:
Number of stewards: 275 | Amount pledged: $260,938.50 Amount received: $197,747.22
Educational Programs ~ Registration Day
Registration Day and the first day of Youth Programs is September 8. Parents may register children for Sunday School, Little Angels, HOPE, JOY, GOYA, Dance, HDF, Greek School and Junior Choir. Fees are as follows: Sunday school, Little Angels, HOPE, JOY and Junior Choir are free and all children must register for Sunday school. GOYA, Dance and HDF request $30 per child. Greek School is $200 per child for stewards and $300 for non-stewards. Adults may also register for Greek School on September 8.
District GOYA welcome back pool party, Saturday, September the 7th , 1pm-4 pm, at Seasons of Boca Raton Club House, 6540 NW 30th Avenue, Boca Raton, 33696. RSVP DistrictGOYA@gmail.com
Choir The choir will be starting up again on Sunday, September the 8th. Anyone wishing to sing is welcome to attend rehearsals on Sunday mornings at 9:15am in the radio room upstairs .
Wanted A volunteer to teach the 5th and 6th grade Sunday School class.
Application for Youth Workers: Thank you to those of you who have completed the St. Demetrios Volunteer Form. If you plan on working with our children (Sunday School, GOYA, Dance, Greek School, etc.), please complete the Volunteer Application at your earliest convenience. This application is required before you are able to assist with any of our Youth Programs. Also, in accordance with the guidelines of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, all Youth Workers at St. Demetrios abide by the Policies for the Safety of Youth and Children, which include training and a background check. You may pick up a form found at the Visitors desk or visit:
Archangel Michael Celebration St. Demetrios Church will once again be honoring past and present Archangel Michael honorees on Sunday, September the 8th.
Philoptochos The first General Meeting of Philoptochos will be Thursday, September 12 at 11:00am in Kandaras Hall. All women are invited to attend.
Kali Parea: A night @ The Mai Kai. Thurs. Sept 12 6:00-9:30 PM Dinner: 6:00 – 8:00 pm, Show: 8 pm Buy Dinner only tickets $26 for 2. Additional charge for Show: $15 for adults, $10 children (2-12) purchase show tickets at the restaurant. RSVP by 9/10 Mai kai for reservations. 3599 N Federal highway Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308 ph#954-567-3272 questions contact: Barb Makris Cell#954-319-2268. Email: Barb.makris@yahoo.com
New at St. Demetrios The St. Demetrios Information Center. Where? In the hall next to the bookstore. What? All the programs that St. Demetrios has to offer.
Room for rent One room for rent with accessibility to the whole house. If interested, call Penny at (954) 646-6763.
Calendar of Events for the Week
Sunday 9/1
9:00am/10:00am Orthros/Divine Liturgy
Monday 9/2 Labor Day
Office closed
Saturday 9/7
1:00pm-4:00pm District GOYA welcome back @Seasons Club House
Sunday 9/8 Archangel Michael Honorees Celebration
9:00am/10:00am Orthros/Divine Liturgy/Artoklasia
11:00am Sunday School
12:00pm Pastitsio Luncheon
12:30pm Dance
1:00pm GOYA parents meeting
2:00pm Dance meeting