Weekly Sunday Bulletin – St. Mary of Egypt


We thank the 244 Stewards who have pledged for 2015.

From God every family in heaven and on earth is named. Ephesians 3:15

Giving Opportunities at St. Demetrios and Interacting

Stewardship Commitment

Commit your Time, Talent and Treasure- If you are a member of our parish, reach out and bring in one new family or reactivate a family you know by asking them to join you at Church .If you are new to our parish, please visit our website for more details about our parish family. Come and worship with us each Sunday.

Iconography Project

Sacred Murals adorn the walls of all Orthodox Churches. Our Parish offers the opportunity for you to donate an icon in honor of a loved one or in memory of someone. Call our church to discuss. 9 Medallions and 1 Standing Saint, 3 Murals of Miracles, 2 dome icons, glass railing on balcony, glass doors to narthex are still available to be dedicated to a loved one. Contact our clergy.

Land Purchase

Throughout the past two decades we have sought to expand our church campus to allow for our growth. You may donate for the property to the South of the Church- half of the funds have been raised for this long awaited accomplishment.

Church Roof Renovation

Our greatest project this year is the completion of our dome restoration. Raising funds to complete the roof and then renovate the interior of the Church damaged by water over the years. Be a part of creating this landmark building in South Florida.

Endowment Program

Individuals, families, businesses or corporations may give to the Endowment fund and designate these funds to be utilized within the church. This giving can be done during your lifetime or designated in your will.

We welcome our guest Maria Khoury

St. Demetrios welcomes today , Maria Khoury, who will be speaking to us about the Christians in the Holy Land . Maria Khoury will then visit our children in our Sunday School classrooms where she will read to them parts of her book “Walking in the Footsteps of Christ.” A table will be set up by the bookstore after services, where you may ask her any questions.


Coffee hour is sponsored by Mona Monezis  in loving memory of her mother Betty Monezis. May her memory be eternal!

Schedule of Services

For more information about the Schedule of Services for Holy Week and giving opportunities during Lent please refer to the flyer.

Philoptochos pre-orders for Pascha

Please place your order with Philoptochos for Easter Tsourekia, Eggs and Koulourakia today in the community center. Philoptochos is also in need of empty egg cartons

Saturday of Lazarus

Please join us on April 4 at 9:30 am for Saturday of Lazarus liturgy followed by a light breakfast . Stay for fellowship and palm folding .

Palm Sunday Luncheon– April 5

Please join us on Palm Sunday for a delicious fish luncheon in our   community center. Lunch will be hosted by our youth group GOYA. Please see flyer for more information

Holy Confession

Fr.Chris will be hearing Holy Confession on Sunday April 5 from 4pm to 8pm and Holy Monday April 6 and Holy Tuesday April 7 from 6pm to 8pm. Please call the church office to make any appt. , or you can sign up on the sheets in the narthex.

Holy Thursday- Egg Dyeing

Philoptochos will be dyeing eggs in the church hall, on Holy Thursday, April 9, from 9am to 3pm. All parishioners are welcome to help. Please contact Dee Hopwood or Stavroula Christodoulou

Decorating of the Kouvouklion

All are welcome to help decorate on Holy Friday, April 10
following the service of the Royal Hours.

Good Friday– Myrofores

This year, all girls registered in Sunday School who are interested in being a myrofora (flower girl) for Good Friday, call Effie Vasil at 954-773-5455 after 5pm.

Good Friday

Names of our dearly departed are read on Holy Friday. Please pick up the forms at the welcome desk or in the south narthex.

Holy Saturday Brunch

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Join us following the Divine Liturgy on Holy Saturday for fun-filled activities for the whole family! 1000 Easter egg hunt!!

Delicious menu prepared by the Culinary Republic aka Nikol Maroulis

Children $10.00 Adults $18.00

Agape Service

If you would like to read the Holy Gospel in any language other than English or Greek ie Spanish, French, Latin, German , Russian, Arabic etc., please call the church office.

Visiting Angels

Fr. Chris, Fr. John and the Visiting Angels visit those who are in the hospital and those who are home bound. If you or a loved one would like a visit from Fr. Chris or Fr. John or companionship from the Visiting Angels, please call the office at (954) 467-1515.

Orthodox Christian Network OCN

Please visit myocn.net and see why OCN has experienced an amazing growth of 2,500% in 2014.  There is something for everyone to listen, read, watch, learn and interact with Orthodox Christians throughout the world. Make sure you visit their Facebook page.  If you would like to volunteer to assist in this growth please contact the office at 954-522-5567 and speak to Seraphim. OCN reaches millions of people worldwide and it all has started here at St. Demetrios.

Youth News and Scholarships

St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival
Daughters of Penelope Scholarship applications are now available. Please call Nina McGuirk at 954-537-2710 for more information.

AHEPA Scholarship

Ahepa will once again be offering $2,000. worth of scholarships. If your father or grandfather is in Ahepa and you are graduating high school or already in college, please call Garry Paxinos for more information at 954-973-8478