Weekly Sunday Bulletin – Sunday after the Exaltation of the Holy Cross
We thank the 344 stewards who have pledged for 2015.
On the first day of every week, each one of you should set aside a sum of money in keeping with his/her income. I Corinthians 16:2
Donate Blood
Donate blood on OneBlood’s* BigRedBus
9am-2pm Sunday, September 20th
Pita Sunday– September 20, 2015
Please support our Philoptochos $10.00 Lunch plate includes two pieces of pita and a salad.
Philoptochos Board Meeting
The Board meeting scheduled for Thursday, September 17th was cancelled due to inclement weather.
The meeting is now scheduled for Tuesday, September 22 from 10:am to 11:30am.
A Devoted Heart
It is with great delight in my heart and spirit to announce that “A Devoted Heart” Bible Study will be starting up again on Sept. 20th!
How I have missed our time together in God’s precious Word, studying and searching for how the Lord wants to speak His love, guidance and encouragement into our everyday lives through scripture.
I would like to honor and thank Fr. John for the blessing and opportunity to continue this ministry the Lord laid on my heart.
It has truly been my privilege to have you come along side me and listen to me share my passion of the LOVE of God the Father and Jesus Christ for all of us.
Jesus said to him, “…He who has seen Me has seen the Father…” John 14:9
Throughout the Gospels, we see Jesus, the nature of God in action.
Christian and I would love to welcome and invite you back to study God’s Word in action with us.
We will meet on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of every month at 12:30-1:30 upstairs in the church.
We look forward to seeing you all soon and we can’t wait to hear how The Lord has been moving mightily in your lives since we last met!
In His service for His Glory alone,
Helena and Christian
Byzantine Choir
Panagiotis, our new choir director , is seeking new members for our byzantine choir. Please contact Fr. John if you are interested in joining our choir.
Ask the priest!
If you have questions about our Orthodox faith, fill out the Ask the Priest! form. You will find forms, and the mailbox to place them in, on the desk in the south narthex, outside the office. The answers to your questions will be given the following Sunday to encourage the education of all who are present.
Greek School at St. Demetrios
Class Times:
A’ and B’ will meet on Mondays and Thursdays from 4:15-6:00 PM
An Advanced Class will meet on Mondays from 6:00-8:00 PM
Greek School Staff:
Principal: Stavroula Christodoulou,Ph.D.
Teacher: Malvina Protogerou Currie
Teacher: Sophia Polikandriotis Litsas
If interested in more information, please reference our website stdemetrios.org or contact our Principal Stavroula Christodoulou by emailing her at isapaul@aol.com.
Ministry Registration is Now Open
We hope everyone had a great Summer! We are beginning our Youth Ministry Year here at St. Demetrios in Fort Lauderdale September 13th, 2015. The EYCC together with all the Ministry Leaders have been working hard over the summer in planning the upcoming year. We have a wonderful year planned out that include two additional ministries: HOPE/JOY and Greek School Program. Please visit the ministry section of our website at stdemetrios.org to fill out our registration form. If you have any questions, please call the church office at (954)-467-1515.
Acolytes – Altar boys serve in the Altar during the Divine Liturgy. Boys ages 6 years and up interested in serving in the altar are welcome. Call church office at (954) 467-1515.
Adult Choir – New members, men and women, are welcome.
AGAPE Seniors– Senior group for men and women over 50 years. Luncheons are scheduled on the third Tuesday of every month, as well as other social events, and fund raisers. Call Maria Jordan at 954-927-5109
BIBLE STUDY– Devoted Heart Bible Study scheduled on Sundays please contact Helena Ioannou
BYZANTINE CHANT– learn to chant Byzantine, please contact Fr. John
Cancer Chapter – Meetings on the 4th Thursday of every month and other fundraising activities. Contact Stefanie Pavlakis at 954-590-8763
GOYA – Greek Orthodox Youth of America is a group for youth ages 13-17 years. They have meetings the first Sunday of each month to plan social events, fundraisers, and retreats.
Greek Dance Troupes: There are four Dance groups Palazakia Jr., Palazakia & Palazakia Sr. and Kamaria – Youth Greek dance troupes are grouped by school grade from kindergarten to 12th. Practice is every Sunday at 1pm.
Greek School – Offers instruction for A’ (beginner), B’ (Intermediate) on Mondays and Thursdays 4:15pm-6:00pm and an Advanced Course on Mondays from 6:00pm-8:00pm.
JOY AND HOPE: Holy Orthodox Primary Education (HOPE) ministers to children in Kindergarten through 2nd Grade and Junior Orthodox Youth (JOY) ministers to children from the 3rd through 6th grade. Register Online to join HOPE/JOY at stdemetrios.org.
LOVING STITCHES – Learn to crochet and knit with our talented group who meet the 4th Tuesday of every month at 11:30am. Fellowship and luncheon follows.
Philoptochos – A national philanthropic organization for women/men supporting various social events, luncheons and fund raisers incl. St. Basil’s Academy. Meet 1st Thurs. of every month. Call Marion Koliniatis at 305-632-1415
Sunday School – A religious educational program for children between the ages of 3 – 18 years every Sunday. Visit our website to register your children!
Visiting Angels-An organization that keeps in contact with shut-ins and those in long term care facilities. Meetings on the 3rd Tuesday of every month. Call Fr. John.
Other Organizations:
AHEPA- Meet on the first Tuesday of every month, please contact Garry Paxinos at954-655-7453 or pax@ahepa394.com
Daughters of Penelope – Meet on the second Wednesday of every Month, call Nina McGuirk at 954-537-2710