Weekly Sunday Bulletin – Sunday before Nativity
We thank the 392 stewards who have pledged for 2013.
Do you know that it takes $1422 (*our annual operating budget of $590,000 divided by 415 pledging families) per household to meet the yearly operational expenses of St. Demetrios?)
*For more details on our annual budget please contact the church office. If you wish to pledge for the 2014 year and become a steward, please do so by filling out this form.
Flowers on the altar donated by the Haralambis Family in loving memory of Zacharias Haralambis
Flowers on the solea donated by Dr. Kay Hampares and Dr. Nelly Santos and son in loving memory of A. James Hampares
Coffee hour is sponsored by the Cassas Family in loving memory of Nicholas Cassas
Philoptochos is selling Vasilopita on Sunday , Dec. 22 and Dec. 29. There is a limited number of vasilopitas this year due to space. Do not wait for the last minute.
Please support the Philoptochos and purchase one for $10.00
New Year’s Eve
Celebrate New Year’s Eve With Us!!! Tuesday, December 31, 2013, see flier for more information
Grand Raffle
Tickets have been mailed to our parishioners. If you need more tickets, a table is set up every Sunday from now until the festival. You may turn in your tickets stubs and pick up more tickets to sell. Ticket price is $25.00 and our goal is to sell 5000 to win a Brand New 2014 Lexus IS250.
Festival Ad Book- Your Opportunity
Dear St. Demetrios Parishioner,
As you are aware, St. Demetrios Church offers a number of ministries, programs and events to its parish and local community. To support these ministries and share our Orthodox faith and Hellenic culture, we hold our annual Festival.
This year, the Fort Lauderdale Greek Festival will be held on February 7, 8, and 9, 2014.
To support the event, you can purchase a quarter, half or full page ad in our Festival Ad Book to wish the Church well on its upcoming festival, congratulate a loved one on a special occasion, or celebrate an anniversary.
For pricing, please see the attached Sponsorship Form and return it to the Church office, or visit our website at www.stdemetrios.org where you can purchase your ad and upload any photos. All donations are tax deductible. Forms and artwork must be submitted by January 15, 2014. And if you know of friends or family members who would also be interested in this opportunity, please forward this information to them.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact us directly. We look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you,
John Ioannou, Jr. Committee Chair
The Family Life Ministry of the Greek Orthodox
Metropolis of Atlanta presents:
Preparing for The Journey of Marriage in the Orthodox Church,
Saturday, January 4th, 2014 from 10am to 4pm.
A one-day workshop for couples getting married in the Orthodox Church
$40.00 per couple.
Hosted by Saint Sophia Cathedral
Please RSVP to the Cathedral office
Usher Committee
Looking for volunteers to assist the parish council to ensure an orderly process during communion , the passing of the tray and the feast days of the church . Please contact the church office
A Historic Quest of Faith
Holy Land Pilgrimage on March 5-14, 2014 . Join Fr. Chris and Fr. Steven Zorzos form Saint Sophia in Washington, DC for this once in a lifetime opportunity. Come to the places where miracles occurred, where the Apostles walked , where the Theotokos was laid to rest. See where Christ prayed, suffered, died… and rose again.
Please see flier in south narthex or call Fr. Chris for more information. We are almost sold out, please act today!