Youth Ministry Program Registration

August 2016

Dear Parishioners,

Our parish continues to serve hundreds of faithful each and every day of the year.  One of our most precious tasks is to educate and prepare the next generation of Orthodox Christians through our Youth Ministry Programs.

Recently, we conducted a survey of the parents of our children, both young and old, and asked some very specific questions about their ability to commit themselves to a program over the course of the year to educate and serve our youth.  Based on the information gathered and the decision of the Education Youth and Culture Committee and approved by the Parish Council, we are pleased to offer the following schedule.

First, we will continue to offer our parishioners the opportunity to volunteer to teach, advise or assist in one of our programs.  Everyone who volunteers is carefully screened and a background check is done before they can be officially appointed.  All appointments are for one year and are reviewed annually for progress.  It takes over 50 volunteers to properly staff all of our Youth Ministry programs.

Second, programs will meet each and every Sunday with few exceptions.  Please check the Church website for the schedule of dates.

Third, Sunday School classes will be visited by Fr. John the first Sunday of each month in order to teach students the hymns of the Faith in both Greek and English.  There will also be an effort created to put together some kind of orchestra or band from the youth of our parish.

Fourth, each Sunday a Children’s Sermonette will be given.  We ask all students to sit in the front left hand side pews so that they will be together.

We will offer Program Registration on August 28th in the Community Hall as well as on our website.  Program fees can also be found at our website.

The schedule on Sunday will be as follows:

Orthros: 9:00 a.m.
Adult Study Class: 10:00 a.m.
Doxology: 10:20 a.m.
Divine Liturgy: 10:30 a.m.
Children’s Sermonette: Immediately after the Reading of the Gospel


Sunday School 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Sunday School will include projects such as making incense, prayer ropes, Prosforo, Kolyva, and other activities.  In order to participate in any other programs, students must attend Sunday School.

Lunch and Learn   12:30 – 1:30 p.m.

Students who register for this Greek Language and Culture class will be offered Greek food and taught Greek    using some of the latest techniques in teaching a foreign language.  Older students will also learn Greek history and culture.

Students who do not register for Lunch and Learn are free until 1:30PM if attending Dance.

Greek Folk Dance   1:30 – 2:30 p.m.

Students who register for this program will learn Greek ethnic dances.  As in the past, students will be divided into proper age and grade categories.

Students who elect only Greek Folk Dance are free until 1:30. Students who do not elect either program, may leave after Sunday School.

GOYA 12:30 – 1:30 –  Sundays  once a month and special events

GOYA (Greek Orthodox Youth of America) is for students in grades 7-12.  They will meet once a month instead of Lunch and Learn (if attending) and participate in a variety of social, spiritual and service events at other times.

For specific dates for all GOYA meetings and events please check the St. Demetrios Calendar on the Website.

Students who have not elected to take any other programs are free to leave for the day.

Summer Camp

Our parish will offer a summer camp for the youth of our parish June 9 – 13, 2014.  Please watch your mail for further exciting details of the program that will be offered.

Registration for the 2013 – 2014 year is offered online at

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

In His Service,

Fr. Christopher T. Metropulos
John Ioannou, Jr.
President Parish Council
Dr. Mantha Mehallis
Chairperson EYCC